What exactly is Penny’s story anymore? She starts out as an aspiring actress, but that doesn’t work out so she gets a regular person job, and now she makes a steady paycheck. So, it kind of seems like her story is done, right? Why is she even still living in a building with ...
Penny CuocoIQ:Normal-KaleyEQ:High ●attractive,blondebeauty ●goodatsocialcontact●neighborofSheldorandLeonard ●hasaspirationstobecomeanactress ●notsuccessfulinstagecareer●worksasawaitressatTheCheesecakeFactoryPenny住在sheldon和Howard的对面。她非常想在演艺圈出名,也曾经出演过一些小角色,但不是很成功。为了...
Leonard and Penny will struggle to overcome their differences. "We're looking at a relationship between a theoretical physicist and a waitress/wannabe actress," Lorre says. "The stories are going to involve them overcoming obstacles of their own making." And how will ...
@pennyin4B - Los Angeles, CA I'm an aspiring actress and I work at the Cheesecake Factory. @TheRaj - California ...it's always the quiet ones... @wolowizard - SoCal I design space components. I know six foreign languages. I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND. @leonardhofstadt - Caltech Super...
声音简介 Penny is not the only girl in town when another, slightly more successful actress named Alicia moves into the apartment on the fifth floor of the building and the guys can't do enough for her. 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 TBBT0220.The ...