2022 版 CTB165 原英文技术手册 TB165 中 文 说 明 书说明书
Stellar winds are a crucial component of massive stars, but their exact properties still remain uncertain. To shed some light on this subject, we have analyzed an exceptional set of X-ray observations of ζ Puppis, one of the closest and brightest massive stars. The sensitive lightcurves that...
父母是否应该和他们谈"性"?本文在对万名学生调研的基础上对此问题作出了辨证回答: 1/这种"公开"和"谈论",会令子女more likely to become sexually active,或者twice as likely to lose their virginity(处女性). 2/这种"公开"和"谈论"利大于弊.因为其子女将less likely to have sex overthe study period....