In this paper we report the results of an analysis of the relationship between thorax length, as a measure of body size, and sexual selection, carried out in the same population. This work was undertaken as a part of a long term study to understand the way selection works on inver- sion...
A theoretical model for collaborative inquiry as a research methodology in adult education is presented in this paper. The authors discuss the elements of ... CA Mealman,RL Lawrence - Adult and Community College Education, Box 7801, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7801 ($30...
with uncertainty as to what constitutes an immunological correlate of protection. In this paper, we seek to give an overview of the immunology of M. tuberculosis infection, and by doing so, investigate possible targets of vaccine development. This encompasses the innate, adaptive, mucosal and humor...
In this paper, conformal prediction technique is applied to the problem of diagnosing Bovine Tuberculosis. Specifically, we apply Nearest-Neighbours Conformal Predictor to the VETNET database in an attempt to allow the increase of the positive prediction rate of the existing Skin Test. Conformal ...
1、药品生产企业许可证:川药品生产企业许可证:川 Tw20000355Tw20000355 http:/Sichuan MAKER Science Technology CO.,LTD.结核抗体(TB-Ab)快速测定ELISA法Reagent for TB-Ab Test使用说明书规格:规格:48 人份用途用途: :本试剂用于测定血清、胸腹水、脑脊液、末梢全血中的结核抗体。原理原理: :采用纯化结核蛋白衍...
This is the u-based z-approximation from the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test for the distance from the end of the read for reads with the alternate allele. If the alternate allele is only seen near the ends of reads; this is indicative of error. Note that the read position rank sum test ...
This paper describes a QI-based intervention with a research component used to document and explain changes in TB case notification in 10 districts in Northern Uganda among high-risk populations. The intervention engaged district leaders and facility-level health workers in targeting, systematic screenin...
A thin strip of filter paper dipped in 20%KOH was carefully hung at the mouth of the test-tubes and the tubes were then sealed tightly with rubber stoppers and kept on rollers for 4 hr. After 4 hours, the filter paper was carefully removed and submerged in scintillation f...
1、t-spot. tb在结核病诊断中的临床意义t-spot. tb在结核病诊断中的临床意义摘耍:目的:探讨基于y-干扰素释放的t细胞斑点试验(t-spot. tb)在结核病诊断中的意义。方法:首先对2013年1月-12 月间在我院住院的肺结核病人30例,结核性胸膜炎30例,结核性脑 膜炎9例进行t-spot. tb检测,并分别对他们的血淸、...