If a hard area or swelling is present, our health care professional will measure it with a ruler. Depending on the size of the raised, hard area, you will have either a positive or negative TB skin test. This is measured in millimeters. ...
they contactedLoomis Sales Corporation- creators of the Loomis TB Rulers. With 30+ years of custom plastic and screen printing manufacturing experience, we spent years researching and refining the TB ruler. Now recognized globally as the best way to measure for TB, the design we developed has be...
The diameter induration transverse to the long axis of the forearm was measured between 48-to-72 hours using flexible plastic ruler. Diameter of skin induration < 6 mm was considered as negative for the test as recommended by the manufacturer. Estimation of Disease-specific Cut-off Value A ...
Ruler- 尺子。 HUMSlider- HUMSlider是一款能够自动显示刻度记号的滑竿,滑动到某处,该处的刻度会自动上升,两边还能配置图像。支持代码或storyboard中实现。 JDSelectedDemo- 仿京东筛选菜单实现。 BTNavigationDropdownMenu- 下拉列表暨导航标题组件。简单、直接、易用 -swift。
The tuberculin skin test (TST—Mantoux intradermal method) using purified protein derivative (PPD) is usually done. The TST measures the immunologic response to M. tuberculosis and thus should be positive in both latent and active infection and so cannot distinguish between the two. The standard...