(redirected fromQuantiFERON-TB Gold blood test) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia tu·ber·cu·lo·sis (to͝o-bûr′kyə-lō′sĭs, tyo͝o-) n.Abbr.TB 1.An infectious disease of humans and animals caused by the tubercle bacillus and characterized by the formation of tubercles on the ...
Over the years, there has been many methods used to detect tubercu- losis such as the Mantoux tuberculin skin test and GeneX- pert, the PCR-based technique. In this review, we focused on the detection of interferon-gamma, a tuberculosis cytokine biomarker. Interferon-gamma is conventionally ...
Explant experiments demonstrated that cultured otic vesicle epithelium failed to form differentiated hair cells in the absence of surrounding POM cells [10, 11]. Furthermore, mice null for Brn4, a Pou-domain transcription factor expressed in the POM but not the otic vesicle, display a reduction ...
To explore its mechanism of action,Mycobacterium marinum, a close relative ofM. ulceranswith > 98% genome sequence identity2, was used at first as it takes only about 2 weeks forM. marinumto form a visible colony on the agar plate. We were able to selectM. marinumspontaneous mutants...
(cry) && 隐花色素基因 \\ \midrule Crystallin && 晶体蛋白 \\ \midrule Cribiform plate && 筛板 \\ \midrule cue's location (PD) && 提示方向 \\ \midrule cuneiform nucleus (CNF) && 楔形核 \\ \midrule Cupula && 壶腹帽 \\ \midrule current receptive field (CRF) && 当前感受野 \\ ...
KYFloatingBubble- 类似iOS7中Game Center浮动气泡的效果。 DKNightVersion- DKNightVersion 是一个支持夜间模式切换的框架。 EasyUIControl- 一个可以简化界面ui的控件框架。 LxGridView-ocLxGridView-swift- 利用UICollectionView模仿iOS系统桌面图标的交互,作用如动图。 QQBtn-仿QQ未读消息弹性按钮动画,达到和手机QQ未读...
The Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) is one of the tests used to diagnose TB infection. The test is an intradermal injection of tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) and relies on the delayed hypersensitivity of the person’s cell-mediated immune response to the tuberculin antigens. ...