DRUG side effectsHOSPITAL admission & dischargeMYCOBACTERIUM tuberculosisMENINGITISThis case study revolves around a 38-year-old male patient who arrived at the Emergency department complaining of decreased levels of consciousness, agitation, and disorientation. The case follows his a...
Drug-resistant TB can have serious consequences ranging from longer and more complex treatments, with considerable inconvenience to patients, to greatly reduced cure rates. Suspected cases of drug-resistant TB must be tested immediately for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Side effects of ...
director of the Beijing-based Global Health Drug Discovery Institute, said that it is necessary to develop TB medicines with fewer side effects that are easy to apply, making it more likely for patients to adhere to treatment.
The rise ofdrug-resistant tuberculosis(TB) threatens to derail decades of progress in the fight against the disease, experts warn in a new report published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.TB kills more people worldwide every year than any other infectious disease, includingHIV/AIDS. In 2015 a...
in Nepal found that despite high perceived benefits, some TB patients remained non-adherent to treatment due to perceived barriers, such as drug side effects and lack of family support [21]. This suggests that although people realise the benefits of treatment, success in motivating adherence also...
“Did you know that TB medication can directly impact your mental health? One anti-TB drug turned me from a cheerful person into someone I didn’t recognise. I lost my self-confidence. Suddenly, I was extremely irritable and always angry at my loved ones. Imagine – a single pill altering...
Increase in the count of TB patients is caused by several factors such as drug side-effects, lack of money, poor diets and living in the poor conditions, additionally increased count among the immigrants. The tuberculin skin inspection using purified protein derivative or PPD in the pregnancy ...
Treatment can disrupt lives and have serious, potentially life-threatening side effects. Rates of drug-resistant TB remain relatively low in the United States, though nearly half a million cases of multidrug resistant TB are estimated to occur globally each year. These cases underscore the need ...
Results from an observational study evaluating a new anti-TB drug have found that the treatment can improve outcomes and reduce mortality among patients with both MDR-TB and XDR-TB. The research, published online ahead of print today in the European Respiratory Journal, suggests a drug called ...
Now, a new drug regimen involving fewer pills and side effects is being rolled out in the Asia-Pacific, including the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia, where trials have shown a more than 90 percent cure rate after six months. The treatment, known as BPaL, combines the antibiotics bedaquili...