4. Venom VB-303 by Antto (VST) Venom VB-303 More about and download here : http://antonsavov.net/cms/projects/venom-vb-303.html This one is the newest : it’s a VST plugin made with Synthedit. It sounds very good and should work nice in all 32 bits VST hosts. Acid house! Au...
D16 Group Phoscyon 2 可在 macOS 运行 (支持Apple Silicon)或者 windows使用,支持格式:vst,vst3 AU 和 AAX 最近有购买这插件的活动,你可在 Plugin Boutique 以 89 欧元购买(价格可能因您所在的位置而略有不同)市面价格为 119 欧元。当你购买成功后可以获取每月赠品,目前是 NUGEN Audio 的 Focus Elements 套...
For VST2 plugin you need to compile it by your own self using vst2 sdk from Steinberg - vstsdk2.4. MacOS Universal - Intel and ARM: jc303-macos-universal-plugins.zip Windows Intel x64: jc303-win64-plugins.zip Linux Intel x64: jc303-linux64-plugins.zip Linux ARM: Soon... ...
New VST Test JC-303 by midilab New Distortion Pedal Test: Electro Harmonix Double Muff Fuzz/Overdrive New Distortion Pedal Test: Boss Dual Overdrive SD-2 TB-303 Clones Contest: Which one is the best? During the past years, many analog synthesizer appear on the market and all of them cla...
TB-303 Clone Contest - VST sound comparison vs ABL2 Phoscyon x0xb0x Future Retro Revolution 777 Syntecno TeeBee acidlab ml 303 mam MB33 and tm3030
Virtual instrument (download) Authentic software replica of the legendary Roland TB-303 bassline from 1981, Monophonic, subtractive synthesizer with simple VCO, Modulatable, resonance-capable low-pass filter and...
Digital imperfections - modelled accurately BitJuggler is the most complete audio plugin available today to simulate vintage digital process...
D16 Group Phoscyon 2 可在 macOS 运行 (支持Apple Silicon)或者 windows使用,支持格式:vst,vst3 AU 和 AAX 最近有购买这插件的活动,你可在 Plugin Boutique 以 89 欧元购买(价格可能因您所在的位置而略有不同)市面价格为 119 欧元。当你购买成功后可以获取每月赠品,目前是 NUGEN Audio 的 Focus Elements 套...
Team R2R | 2023.05.18 | 21MB EQ will never be the same again Kirchhoff-EQ is the ultimate 32-band parametric EQ plugin, built for critical professional applications. It features refined sound quality, analog modeled curves, ultra-low distortion dynamics processing, 15 filter types (with continu...
TB-303 Clone Contest - VST sound comparison vs ABL2 Phoscyon x0xb0x Future Retro Revolution 777 Syntecno TeeBee acidlab ml 303 mam MB33 and tm3030