Fire FactorMinimal This property’s wildfire risk is not changing. Heat FactorMajor 7 days above 102°F this year Wind FactorMinor Minor risk of severe winds over next 30 years Air FactorModerate Risk of poor air quality is increasing Provided by First Street FoundationHomes...
Fire FactorMajor This property’s wildfire risk is increasing. Heat FactorMajor 7 days above 103°F this year Wind FactorMinor Minor risk of severe winds over next 30 years Air FactorModerate Risk of poor air quality is not changing Provided by First Street FoundationHomes...
Fire FactorMinimal This property’s wildfire risk is not changing. Heat FactorMajor 7 days above 103°F this year Wind FactorMinor Minor risk of severe winds over next 30 years Air FactorModerate Risk of poor air quality is increasing Provided by First Street FoundationHomes...
Fire FactorMajor This property’s wildfire risk is increasing. Heat FactorMajor 7 days above 107°F this year Wind FactorMajor Major risk of severe winds over next 30 years Air FactorMinor Risk of poor air quality is not changing Provided by First Street FoundationHomes...
Fire FactorMinor This property’s wildfire risk is not changing. Heat FactorModerate 7 days above 92°F this year Wind FactorMinimal Minimal risk of severe winds over next 30 years Air FactorExtreme Risk of poor air quality is increasing Provided by First Street FoundationHomes...