Taylormade泰勒梅以生产高尔夫行业中最好的铁具而闻名。P790 的发布使它们名列前茅,可以说是迄今为止最好看和性能最好的铁杆。 它具有简洁的外观和锻造设计,并配备了技术。虽然针对的是中低差点高尔夫球手,但它们会吸引任何差点水平的高尔夫球手将他们放在袋子里。 P790 采用的技术包括将 SpeedFoam 注入杆头以减轻打...
TaylorMade P790四代🟤古铜色复古限量款🟤#P790#TaylorMade#高尔夫球具装备#朋友高尔夫 - 朋友高尔夫商城于20240412发布在抖音,已经收获了7488个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Offset wise, P770 is closer to the P7MC, with the P790 having more offset, which is entirely preferential to how you release and sense the face through impact, with of course weakinging lofts removing offset, and strengthening lofts adding it. Quote DRIVER: Maltby KE4 TC, Project X HZ...
For more details on the head to head comparison of the TaylorMade P770 and P790 irons, make sure you watch the video attached to this article. NEXT PAGE:Everything you need to know about the new TaylorMade P7MB, P7MC and P770 irons Sponsored Posts...
TaylorMade P7CB 33° 122.1 MPH 15.5° 6420 RPM 30 YDS 45° 173 YDS TaylorMade P770 33° 121.7 MPH 16.4° 6561 RPM 32 YDS 46.2° 172 YDS TaylorMade P790 30.5° 125.9 MPH 15.2° 5945 RPM 32 YDS 45.3° 182 YDS TaylorMade Qi 28° 129 MPH 14.4° 5478 RPM 32 YDS 44.5° 189 YDS ...
So I have been looking at this picture, and they must be changing the look of the P790? If you couldn’t see P790 stamped on that club, you would guess it was one. That looks more like a P7MB than anything. Don’t get me wrong though, I love the new look. It’s even cleane...
P770是Taylormade P7系列铁杆里面最新的一款产品,代表了Taylormade铁杆制作的最高水准。整体设计和P790一样,中空刀背,加速胶设计,带加速槽,不过比起P790来说,杆面后部的肌肉线条有所不同,以前是一个比较阶梯型的平面设计,P770变成了倒V字形的肌肉设计。这个设计让P770外观看起来更简洁,也更像刀背的感觉。另外P77...
In the broader scope, the TaylorMade P770 is passable as a players iron, but it’s substantially bigger than the P7MC [review HERE]. The in the bag look is a big part of the P770’s appeal, just as it is with the P790. At a glance, this hollow body design looks like a blade...