科学管理法(Scientific Management)是由弗雷德里克·温斯洛·泰勒(Frederick Winslow Taylor)在19世纪末提出并设计的一套通过科学分析、建立最优流程从而提高生产效率的生产管理方法。 泰勒认为,通过科学地分析工作流程,就能够发现“一种最好的工作办法”。 在伯利恒钢铁公司(Bethlehem Steel Company)期间,泰勒通过有效的激励...
While the terms "scientific management" and "Taylorism" are often treated as synonymous, an alternative view considers Taylorism as the first form of scientific management, which was followed by new iterations; thus in today's management theory, Taylorism is sometimes called (or considered a subs...
Scientific management in its pure form focuses too much on the mechanics, and fails to value the people side of work, whereby motivation and workplace satisfaction are key elements in an efficient and productive organization. Key Points The Principles of Taylor's Scientific Management Theory became...
namely, the one advanced by Henry Ford in the middle years of the second decade of the twentieth century, the precursor years to the economic boom years of the 1920s.Fordism, as this version became known, added the idea of mass consumption to the discourse of...
Agency-and i n s t i t u t i onal-theory explanations: The case of retail sale compensatio[n J]. Academy of Management Journal, 1988, 3(1 3): 488-511.Sprinkle, G. and M. Williamson, "The Evolution from Taylorism to Employee Gain Sharing: A Case Study Examining John Deere's ...
In Taylor's theory he compared human to machines. For him, human real motivation is salary so employers must abuse them. I'm not really sharing his opinion but in a certain way it is interesting to us... 9 1 comments McJobs. Definition, History, Pros and Cons ...