Taylor Swift 状态绝佳登双十一晚会舞台,连唱三曲:《Me》+《Lover》+《You need to calm down》!气场两米八,粉丝疯狂欢呼,燃炸现场! 每一首歌都超级好听,超级喜欢啊!今天就有霉霉的现场彩排视频曝光,视频里霉霉穿了一条小裙子,还亲切的跟粉丝打...
And I ain't trying to mess with your self-expression But I've learned the lesson that Stressin' and obsessing 'bout somebody else is no fun And snakes and stones never broke my bones so Ohhhhh You need to calm down You're being too loud ...
但Taylor Swift却将其从故纸堆里翻出来,并据谐音改作“Snakes and stones never broke my bones”,表...
You need to calm down,You’re being too loud,You need to just stop,Like can you just not。
及第留学小编为大家整理了2022年泰勒(Taylor Swift)纽约大学荣誉博士演讲稿中英全文,一起来了解和学习一下吧~大家好,我是泰勒。上次在如此大的体育场时,我正踩着高跟鞋跳舞,穿着闪闪发光的紧身衣。现在这身毕业服可真的是舒服太多了。Hi, I’m Taylor.Last time I was in a stadium this size, I was ...
泰勒演讲稿 【知享堂|学英语】Taylor Swift 纽约大学毕业典礼的完整演讲 Hi, I’m Taylor. 嗨,我是泰勒。 Last time I was in a stadium this size, I was dancing in heels and wearing a glittery leotard. Thi…
11座格莱美奖得主Taylor Swift也在NYU今年全校毕业典礼上被授予艺术博士,并给全体师生家长亲友发表了真挚的演讲。 人生有太多需要做出正确选择的关键时刻,但我们经常会为此不知所措。Taylor也用自己的亲身经历,告诉我们人生本就不完美,错误也会带来人生中那些最美好的东西 ...
前不久,“霉霉”Taylor Swift出现在纽约洋基体育场中。 不过这一次,她不是要开演唱会,而是作为NYU的荣誉艺术博士发表毕业演讲。 世界一流大学纽约大学对她的评语是: “Taylor Swift is a trailblazing and influential advocate for artists' rights in the face of exploitation and a forceful global advocate ag...
霉霉Taylor Swift在纽约大学2022届毕业典礼的演讲原文 2022年5月18日,霉霉被纽约大学授予荣誉艺术(Fine Arts)博士学位,她作为代表发表演讲。她披肝沥胆分享自己从少女时期入行,一路走来所学到的“生活小窍门”。长达23分钟开诚布公的脱稿演讲,无数聆听者动容,也激励全球家属勇敢前行。💜 ...
Then I went out on the road on a radio tour, which sounds incredibly glamorous but in reality it consisted of a rental car, motels, and my mom and I pretending to have loud mother daughter fights with each other during boarding so no one would want the empty seat between us on ...