Buy Taylor Swift tickets from the official site. Find Taylor Swift tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos.
”Taylor Swifthas shared a statement addressing the situation, saying that she asked Ticketmaster “multiple times if they could handle this kind of demand and we were assured they could.” She said the situation “pissed me off” and added that it was “excruciating for me to...
TaylorSwift超话Ticketmaster官网的Taylor Swift界面 û收藏 43 12 ñ223 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 知名音乐博主 超话粉丝大咖(TaylorSwift超话) Ü 简介: Office of the President & The Chairman Of The Tortured Poets Department, Tay...
Tickets for Taylor Swift's "Eras" tour will no longer be put on sale Friday, Ticketmaster said.
The presale four several Taylor Swift concert dates in France was paused after Ticketmaster France ran into problems.
Ticketmaster's post-Taylor Swift strategy is to take on ticket fees and scalpers, launching a new offensive after the Eras Tour fiasco.
洛杉矶/华盛顿,11 月 17 日——Ticketmaster 取消了周五计划的 Taylor Swift 2023 年美国巡回演唱会门票销售计划,因为来自歌迷、机器人和黄牛的 35 亿张门票需求使该网站不堪重负,需求创历史新高。与此同时,客户对价格高和服务差的投诉越来越多,美国国会的知名成员支持美国司法部 (DOJ) 以反垄断为由调查 ...
NEW YORK (AP) — The trouble between Ticketmaster and Taylor Swift's“Eras” tour isn't over — with the latest snafu affecting fans hoping to score tickets in France.
在Taylor Swift巡演门票的混乱预售之后,Ticketmaster正面临来自行政层面的的更多审查。田纳西州总检察长Jonathan Skrmetti表示,他正在调查Ticketmaster是否违反了消费者权利和反垄断法规。Skrmetti是最新一位呼吁关注Ticketmaster和Live Nation对票务市场控制的政界人士。此前,Ticketmaster取消了对斯威夫特名为Eras的巡演的公开...
Taylor Swift fans anxious to snag tickets for her upcoming “Eras Tour” were dealt another blow Thursday when Ticketmaster abruptly announced the cancellation of Friday’s scheduled start of public ticket sales, citing overwhelming demand. “Due to extraordinarily high demands on ticketing systems and...