【纯英字幕】Dr.Taylor Swift 纽约大学 NYU 2022年毕业典礼仪式完整版演讲!共计2条视频,包括:1_【1080P纯英字幕】Dr.Taylor Swift 纽约大学 NYU 2022年毕业典礼仪式完整版演讲!_高清 720P、真的能1天搞定6000单词么??等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
视频&中英全文|Taylor在NYU毕业典礼的现场演讲mp.weixin.qq.com/s/rXANtvMyymOh3AYeqtANEA Reference:[1]https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/taylor-swift-nyu-commencement-speech-full-transcript-1235072824/
I’d like to say a huge thank you to NYU‘s Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Bill Berkeley and all the trustees and members of the board, NYU’s President Andrew Hamilton, Provost Katherine Fleming, and the faculty and alumni here today who have made this day possible. I feel so pr...
美国歌手“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)当地时间18日在纽约洋基体育场举行的纽约大学毕业典礼上获得了荣誉博士学位,并发表演讲。 以下为演讲原声视频和全文↓ Taylor Swift’s NYU Commencement Speech Yankee Stadium May 18, 2022 Hi, I...
Taylor Swift NYU Speech 泰勒斯威夫特 美国纽约大学 演讲 #薇薇博士美国留学教育博主[超话]# http://t.cn/A6YjGIW0
又是一年毕业季,前段时间集美貌与才华为一身的“霉霉”Taylor Swift在纽约大学(NYU)的毕业演讲,不仅点燃了紫色海洋的纽约洋基体育场,更在各大社交平台刷屏啦! 图源:纽约邮报 不知道大家有没有观看并疯狂打call呢? 在演讲中,霉霉提到...
Taylor Swift's Speech at NYU's Class of 2022 Commencement 【读背词汇版】 Hi, I’m Taylor! Last time I was in a stadium this size, I was dancing in heels and wearing a glittery leotard. This outfit is much more comfortable. 嗨,我是泰勒。 想起上次我在这么大的体育场,我穿着带亮片的紧...
Taylor Swift’s NYU Commencement Speech:Read the Full Transcript Taylor Swift纽约⼤学毕业典礼演讲Hi,I’m Taylor.嗨,我是泰勒。Last time I was in a stadium this size, I was dancing in heels and wearing a glittery leotard. This outfit is much more comfortable. 上次我在这么⼤的体育场时...
Taylor Swift 获NYU荣誉博士学位! 当地时间5月18日,美国音乐人Taylor Swift被纽约大学授予艺术荣誉博士学位并发表演讲。这位曾11次获得格莱美奖的音乐人在演讲中直言,自己“从未有过大学生活”。 她在二十多分钟的演讲中鼓励毕业生“学会与尴尬共存”,并从困难和错误中学习经验,“只要我们有幸还在呼吸,我们就会吸气、...
【霉霉Taylor Swift在NYU毕业典礼上的发言】“Life can be heavy, especially if you try to carry it all at once. Part of growing up and moving into new chapters of your life is about catch and release. What I mean by that is knowing what things to keep and what things to release. You...