【Taylor Swift】霉霉说出选择温哥华作为时巡终点站的原因。 Miss_Americana_ 5740 1 范晓萱《好想谈恋爱》专辑1996年发行,她的演唱彷若回到早期气音式的诠释方法,纯挚简单的嗓音让人听起来十分舒服,共收录了10首歌曲【HiRes 24/48】 HiRes无损体验馆 2560 2 【HiRes 24/48】The Jesus and Mary Chain耶稣和...
这是在讲述一则两位朋友策划一场逃亡的童话:“爱会像民谣被传唱下去一般 / 生生不息(Passed down like folk songs / the love lasts so long)。”这位优秀的唱作人,即便时刻生活在公众视线下,亦能挖掘出如此丰富的生活素材,这只能说明,Taylor Swift 的确在隔离期间获得了灵感和热望。
Taylor Swift & Chris Stapleton Taylor Swift简介 推出三张乡村乐专辑后,Taylor Swift 从 2012 年的《Red》开始正式投向流行乐的怀抱。美国乡村音乐界对此表示“震惊”,但这没什么好惊讶的:毕竟谁都明白,一个 14 岁就能说服父母为了自己的演艺事业从宾夕法尼亚州城郊搬到纳什维尔的女孩,当然绝非池中之物。 Swift...
【Taylor Swift】下着大雨的深夜,在东京街头兜风听《Midnights》全专(含歌词字幕) 海豹球卡尔 1.4万 8 欧美流行歌曲英文热歌动感节拍English hit songs Happy songs Morning songs Boost your mood Joni乔尼瞌睡乔 60 0 想看你颤栗💕《Kiss Me Kill Me》欧美嗓御姐翻唱 黑泽诺亚NOIR 7.0万 22 ...
2006同名专辑《泰勒·斯威夫特/Taylor Swift》《泰勒·斯威夫特》(英语:Taylor Swift)是美国创作歌手泰勒·斯威夫特个人首张同名专辑。《泰勒·斯威夫特》在2006年10月24日在美国发行,其中五首单曲打入公告牌热门乡村音乐歌曲榜里(Billboard Hot Country Songs)。《泰勒·斯威夫特》豪华版在2007年11月发行。
Taylor Swift is a multitalented singer-songwriter and global superstar who has captivated audiences with her heartfelt lyrics and catchy melodies, solidifying herself as one of the most influential artists in contemporary music.
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Best Songs:Lady Gaga|Bruno Mars|Ed Sheeran|Ellie Goulding|Fifth Harmony|Hilary Duff|Justin Bieber|Lana Del Rey|Madonna|Mariah Carey|Michael Jackson|Rihanna|Selena Gomez|Spice Girls|The Weeknd Related 15. Taylor Swift, “New Romantics” A bonus track off1989that out-popped the bubblegum pizzazz of...
Best Songs:Lady Gaga|Bruno Mars|Ed Sheeran|Ellie Goulding|Fifth Harmony|Hilary Duff|Justin Bieber|Lana Del Rey|Madonna|Mariah Carey|Michael Jackson|Rihanna|Selena Gomez|Spice Girls|The Weeknd Related 15. Taylor Swift, “New Romantics” A bonus track off1989that out-popped the bubblegum pizzazz of...
Taylor Swift. Just the name turns heads, causes discussions and ignites media frenzies when mentioned in any context. Her lengthy discography consists of nine studio albums and hundreds of songs, from her early success as a young country singer to becomi