When Taylor Swift first announced a tour, I was thrilled. For years I'd begged my boyfriend to take me to see Taylor, but we were always too busy. However, as I am from England and we were unable to find tickets for the UK, I knew I probably wouldn't be able to go. My boyfrie...
转眼间已经11月28号了,距离上一次更新公众号已经有足足一个星期的时间了,而这一个星期 我经历了人生中最美好的事情,我见到了我爱的女人 并且跟她合影了 她就是Taylor Swift。 这个公众号我从来都没有当成过自己的日记本,但是今天我一定要把这一次美好的人生经历记录下来,希望将来有一天我会发给我男朋友...
Former Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader Stefanie Hills revealed Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's cute game day tradition, saying “At the end of the game, she would always meet Travis by the locker room.” Cute! This content is imported from tiktok. You may be able to find the same content ...
Taylor Swift’s three-hour tour de force, the Eras tour, is even tiring audiences out night after night. Just look around once the folklore interlude starts, about two hours in, as everyone savors their one (1) minute of sitting down before the final stretch. Luckily, most of us only ...
The three VIP tickets she secured close to the stage —“I would call it brute-force dumb luck” — cost 600 euros ($646) each. Swift subsequently announced six November tour dates in Toronto, within driving distance of Warren’s home. “Absolute nose-bleed seats” already are goin...
Alwyn之所以创作出《exile》和《betty》里的心碎画面,是因为Joe在Met Gala上看见了Tom和Taylor Swift...
13段最好的bridge哈 这题比较难选 要是选13段最好的主歌 副歌还比较好写 因为泰勒斯是bridge女王实锤...
Taylor Alison Swift is an American actress, singer-songwriter, musician, record producer, director, and businesswoman best known for her award-winning music career, which has made her one of the highest-grossing musical artists of all time. For Disney, s
“You just watch her, like, walk in a room and it’s very easy to understand that she’s so composed, she’s graceful, she’s gracious,” Carpenter, who was one of Swift’s Eras Tour openers, said in the CBS segment that aired Sunday morning (Oct. 6). Aske...
Taylor Swift5月19日出席了 纽约大学2022届毕业典礼 发表演讲并被授予了“艺术博士”荣誉学位! 小编真的是看哭了 上进努力的人真的会闪闪发光 更何况她是泰勒斯威夫特呢 已关注关注重播分享赞关闭观看更多更多正在加载正在加载退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出...