— t. swift snagged nine, you guys — she shared a video from her first day of training for the epic video, which is basically her kicking butt and taking names. in the span of 15 seconds, she punches and kicks three different men to the ground like it’s child’s play. even thoug...
【#格莱美# 2023】Taylor Swift 和 Beyoncé 被官方镜头发现二人互相贴贴: http://t.cn/A69djH0r
Hakeem Jeffries peppered a Taylor Swift reference into his extended metaphor of Donald Trump as a bad ex-boyfriend. “Donald Trump is like an old boyfriend who you broke up with, but he just won't go away,” said Jeffries, who stands to become the first Black speaker if Democ...
大家都夸Taylor是Pop Queen,但对我来说,She is rather be a forever princess. 相较于宏大叙事和重...
美哭了!万人大合唱!!Taylor Swift世界巡演《Love Story》现场高清中文字幕版!!! http://t.cn/EATcYuB
(“Bad Blood” is often rumored to be about the conflict; although she hasn’t named names, she did tell Rolling Stone the song is about a female artist who “tried to sabotage an entire arena tour.”) When Swift and Perry reconnected, they bonded over astrology. “[Katy’s] like, ...
Taylor Swift此前曾愤怒地抵制苹果流媒体音乐服务Apple Music。而现在,Taylor Swift开始为Apple Music拍宣传广告,推广该音乐服务的策展人播放列表(curated playlists)功能,并为此还摔了一跤,结结实实地狗吃屎! 视频中,Taylor Swift准备在跑步机上跑步,在iPhone上的Apple Music中选择了一个名为“#GymFlow”的播放列表...
Some have noted that Swift used the names of her friend Blake Lively’s kids, James and Inez, who are both girls, for this song. I don’t care about that. Here’s what I care about: You know what’s gay? Creating a fictional male character and wearing him like an outfit to sing...
TaylorSwift超话 想收一张ttpd的普通版不是很懂价格问问大概什么价位算是市场价 û收藏 转发 2 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Ü 简介: 长期不在的高中牲 更多a 微关系 她的关注(34) Spider-Man_Caelan庆怜 杨颖工作室 ...