所以大家还是可以像原来那样看待霉爸和霉妈啦,虽然两人不再是夫妻,但也还是Taylor亲爱的爸爸妈妈,我们祝福他们各自幸福[em]e402677[/em]TaylorswiftCafe 理塘C罗 明星诞生 12 癌姐回魂 - 明星诞生 12 交癌狗真是晦气,克母克父的猪狗 不知道取什么n2 明星诞生 12 我艽又要割韭菜了? 爱吃酱板鸭 ...
当故事的主人翁(也就是MV中的Taylor Swift)很小的时候,她父母经常吵架。所以"a careless man's careful daughter"指她的父亲很粗心,经常和她母亲吵架,而且对她母亲的事不闻不问。成长在这样的环境,她希望不会重蹈她父母的覆辙。当她发现她的那个他"learns her secrets and figures out why she...
and my brother, Austin, for the sacrifices they made every day so that I could go from singing in coffee houses to standing up here with you all today because no words would ever be enough. To all the incredible p...
她是创作型歌手,也是制作人和导演,获奖无数,而现在她又多了一个崭新的头衔:博士。就在5月18日,NYU 授予她艺术荣誉博士学位(Doctor of Fine Arts)。 毕业典礼全程直播,镜头一扫到进场的 Taylor Swift,全场都沸腾为她欢呼,整个毕业典礼仿佛变成了她的专场演唱会。在万众瞩目之下,她发表了毕业致辞,感谢 NYU 让她...
5月18日,纽约洋基体育场是紫罗兰的海洋。 11座格莱美奖得主Taylor Swift也在NYU今年全校毕业典礼上被授予艺术博士,并给全体师生家长亲友发表了真挚的演讲。 人生有太多需要做出正确选择的关键时刻,但我们经常会为此不知所措。Taylor也用自己的亲身经历,告诉我们人生本就不完美,错误也会带来人生中那些最美好的东西 ...
Taylor Swift won't tour next year so that she can prioritize her family What Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce said to each other on the field after Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl win Taylor Swift shares hilarious video clubbing with her parents and Travis Kelce ...
【深度剖析🪶】Taylor Swift 的新歌《But Daddy I Love Him》与《小美人鱼》的关系 来源:《today》By Elena Nicolaou 翻译/整理:@Melody欧美音乐台 一、分析 当Taylor Swift的专辑『The Tortured Poets Depar...
By the time she was 12, she had picked up the guitar and began practicing four hours each day, until her fingers started to bleed Swift’s parents began to support her music, and recognized her talent, perseverance, and budding future as a professional musician 12岁时,她...
Taylor Swift5月19日出席了 纽约大学2022届毕业典礼 发表演讲并被授予了“艺术博士”荣誉学位! 小编真的是看哭了 上进努力的人真的会闪闪发光 更何况她是泰勒斯威夫特呢 泰勒·斯威夫特NYU毕业典礼演讲全文 大家好,我是泰勒。 上次在如此大的体育场时,我正踩着高跟鞋跳舞,穿着闪闪发光的紧身衣。现在这身毕业服可...
TAYLOR SWIFT'S BIRTH HOSPITAL GIVES ‘NEWBORN ERA’ BRACELETS TO PARENTS WHO WELCOMED BABIES ON DECEMBER 13 Krings, who owns the KennaLeesCloset shop, said the inspiration came from a line in the song that discusses someone leaving a red scarf. ...