近日,霉霉Taylor·Swift现身NFL橄榄球赛场,为男友特拉维斯 · 凯尔斯打call,引来媒体和粉丝一阵狂欢。值得一提的是,特拉维斯所属的酋长队 17:10 战胜对手,成功闯入超级碗!霉霉献上了激动一吻,谁羡慕,我就不说了。因为霉霉的出现,NFL 和酋长队已经提升了相当于 3.315 亿美元的品牌价值。此外,身高1米96...
#TaylorSwift[超话]# 霉霉和NFL的更多故事霉爸以前是NFL费城老鹰队的铁杆球迷,受老爸熏陶霉霉也是老鹰队铁杆球迷,二十多年前酋长的现主教练Andy Reid还在老鹰队执教,那时候霉爸有时间经常会带霉霉去看老鹰队...
TaylorSwiftNow 24-01-29 07:24 发布于 澳大利亚 来自 TaylorSwift超话 【Video】祝贺Chiefs球队进入今年NFL超级碗!看看比赛结束后进场与Travis共同庆祝的霉霉姐 LTaylorSwiftNow的微博视频 小窗口 TaylorSwift超话 û收藏 323 76 ñ2492 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 ...
Swift just finished a three-day run of the tour in Buenos Aires, Argentina, this week where her rumoured boyfriend American football star Travis Kelce was in attendance. Video showed Swift kissing Kelce and she appeared to change a lyric in the song Karma to reference his NFL team the Kansa...
主要是Taylor Swift本来也就是玩玩而已,到时候一分手又有了新的创作素材。
霉霉在吉列体育场的三连拍📸️ nfl 霉霉 taylorswift…
While it’s true that the NFL cap typically increases year after year, the league experienced two of its biggest cap boosts in recent history in 2024 and ‘25. Is it a coincidence that Swift was publicly dating Kelce during the seasons preceding those salary cap spikes? Probably not. ...
During her Seattle stop, Swifties caused seismic activity equivalent to a 2.3 magnitude earthquake, attributed to a booming sound system and jumping, dancing and cheering fans.在西雅图期间,斯威夫特引起了相当于 2.3 级地震的地震活动,这要归功于轰隆隆的音响系统和跳舞欢呼的粉丝。It's true, just ...
FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — Travis Kelce declined to discuss Taylor Swift's status for Sunday's game in Germany — and their status as a couple.
Travis Kelce declined to discuss Taylor Swift’s status for Sunday’s game in Germany — and their status as a couple.