如今可以看到,环球音乐最终做出了和索尼相同的选择:将出售Spotify股票的资金直接分发给艺人。 这次合作的背后,Taylor Swift近乎是以一己之力打开了全世界最大唱片公司以接近纯服务模式签约艺人的先河,让艺人能够更多地控制自己的商业利益。 不过,对于Taylor来说,和Republic Records的这份合同其实还意味着更多东西:她再次作...
(Reuters) - Taylor Swift's music label Universal Music Group holds its first capital markets day on Tuesday, nearly two months after it posted lower-than-expected second quarter streaming and subscription revenue, knocking 24% off its share price. Analysts have stressed t...
Fearless (Taylor’s Version), Taylor Swift has done something different. Fearless first came out in 2008, herbreakthroughsecond album. A decade later, manager and music executive Scooter Braun acquired themaster rightsto Swift’s first six albums when...
从谈判到最终交易完成,Taylor Swift全程被蒙在鼓里毫不知情。这是一场早已策划好的交易,作为6张...
Music company Universal, the biggest record label group in the world, has published a furious open letter titled Why We Must Call Time Out On TikTok. The social media platform has responded in kind, hitting out at the "false narrative and rhetoric".
Braun合作,以略高于3亿美元的价格收购了Taylor Swift此前的唱片公司Big Machine Label Group。
这家独立唱片公司持有的最宝贵音乐资产就是Taylor Swift自2006年首张同名专辑直到2017年《Reputation》为止的作品,价值约为1.4亿美元。目前来看,被Taylor Swift公开指责为“霸凌者”的Scooter Braun毫无疑问地成为此次交易的最大赢家,从中赚得盆满钵满。根据Taylor提供的消息,她也尝试过向Scooter买回版权,但对方...
Taylor was one of the new label's first signings.Taylor released her debut album, "Taylor Swift", in October of 2006 and received generally positive reviews from music critics. The New York Times described it as "a small masterpiece of pop-minded country, both wide-eyed and cynical, held...
Taylor Swift在今年NYU的毕业典礼上被授予荣誉艺术博士,并发表了精彩演讲,给在场的学生分享了自己独特的生活见解和未来建议。 Taylor Swift曾荣获11座格莱美奖、23座公告牌奖。 她是才华横溢的country music“小天后”,从小热爱音乐,中学毕业后就投身音乐行业。这次她被授予荣誉博士学位,也算是圆了她此前立下的一个...
Universal Music Group, which has big-name stars such as Harry Styles and Taylor Swift on its label, will no longer license its music to TikTok. UMG accused TikTok of paying its artists a fraction of the rate other social media platforms pay, misuse of AI-generated content and selective ...