【News】Midnights成为2022年美区实销最高专辑,共计180万销量! 同时,泰勒斯也成为Soundscan时代首位6次获得美区专辑年度实销冠军的艺人,继续扩大自己所创造的该项历史记录! #TaylorSwift[超话]#
泰勒斯威夫特Taylor Swift全新专辑《Midnights》(午夜)官方动态歌词共计13条视频,包括:Taylor Swift - Anti-Hero (Official Lyric Video)、Taylor Swift - Bejeweled (Official Lyric Video)、Taylor Swift - Karma (Official Lyric Video)等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注
凡希亚回答对泰勒·斯威夫特的看法【Faouzia凡希亚】Taylor Swift 473 -- 0:16 App 王心凌-《如果月亮会说话》已在酷狗音乐正式上线。10月25日下午3點 歌曲評論區見 1.1万 2 0:13 App Rose已经超越霉霉成为新一代世女一! 2790 -- 3:09 App 霉霉未发行歌曲《That's Life》官方音频试听 | Taylor Swift ...
写了《重新认识〈Midnights〉与 Taylor Swift》。我部分从她提供的音乐人格,或者人格品牌内部发展的线索...
Taylor Swift “Midnights,” (Republic Records) “All of me changed like midnight,” Taylor Swift confesses halfway through her latest album, the aptly named and moody “Midnights.”
“Midnights” was just announced on her Instagram on August 28 and will mark that fifth album in such a short period of time. The album will be released this coming fall on October 21, telling “the story of thirteen sleepless nights scattered throughout [her] life,” according to Swift’...
Taylor Swift revealed new 'Midnights' lyrics with a billboard in Mexico City. See what they are, and where she first teased them months ago.
大概Taylor Swift自己也想不到,自己重制的旧作能够获得接连爆红。11月6日,据Billboard官方数据显示,Taylor Swift最新发行的的重制专辑《1989(Taylor’s Version)》以美国首周销量165万空降Billboard 200专辑榜第一,全球销量更是达到350万,也超越了原版《1989》和“神专”《Midnights》的首周销量,并以超过69...
“Taylor swift announcing an album called midnights and then robbing me of mine is such a taylor swift thing to do,” wrote another, who hadn’t expected beforehand they’d be staying up until 12 o’clock Sunday night to see Swift’s news. ...
10月21日,Taylor Swift带着全新创作专辑《Midnights》回归。根据唱片预测机构Hitsdailydoube估计,这张新...