Taylor Swift - Mean (at the Grammys) 泰勒·斯威夫特抛弃了自己已往情情爱爱的音乐主题,表达的是对尖酸刻薄之人的态度。歌词内容可概括为:“尽管你用尖酸的言语刺伤我,但总有一天,我会在古老的大城市里快乐...
Taylor Swift《Mean (英文字幕)》MV在线看!Taylor Swift 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
霉霉Taylor Swift的这首热单《Mean》为她专辑《Speak Now》赢得了2座格莱美大奖,主要批评那些喜欢指责音乐人在格莱美奖发挥有失水准的刻薄乐评家们(这里主要是指霉霉10年格莱美表演被质疑唱功的事)。这首歌完美回击那些刻薄的人,“尽管你用尖酸的言语刺伤我,但总有一天,我会在世界级大城市里快乐地生活着,而你则...
Song:Mean Artist:Taylor Swift You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me You have knocked me off my feet again got me feeling like I'm nothing You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard, calling me out when I'm wounded You, pickin' on the...
Taylor Swift stands up to bullies in her latest single, 'Mean,' which dropped on country radio stations everywhere today. Swift opens up about a sensitive
Taylor Swift的控诉:Mean 沪江英乐讯 taylor说过,专辑speak now里的所有歌曲都像是一封公开信,写给特定的人,至于到底写给谁的只能靠歌迷自己意淫猜测喽。能把小才女惹毛成这样,哪个不想混的! Song:Mean Artist:Taylor Swift You, with your words like knives andswordsand weapons that you use against me...
she did not collaborate with any producer or artist, from composition, arrangement, to recording, all by herself. In "Speak Now", Taylor created a song, "Mean", to satirize music critics who were not optimistic about h...
Mean 卑鄙 You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me 你,带着你那好似刀,剑一般犀利话语来伤害着我 You, have knocked me off my feet again, got me feeling like a nothing 你,曾经好不留情的把我撞倒两次,让我失去的知觉 You, with your voice like nails ...