So when the Chiefs came back to win a Super Bowl that the 49ers dominated for long stretches, anyone who believed the theories might have been worried. An X post claiming that Kelce and Swift had publicly stated they would leave the country if Trump won might have confirmed some of those ...
I leave you with this: We are led by our gut instincts, our intuition, our desires and fears, our scars and our dreams. And you will screw it up sometimes. So will I. And when I do, you will most likely read about on th...
Taylor Swift fans hope that an explosion of AI-generated nudes of the pop star will lead to more regulation, but it's not likely
To help us respond to your queries; To send our newsletter or provide you with information on Taylor Swift, such as tour and album announcements; To fulfill your orders and provide order-related updates; To send updates, promotions, and marketing materials that may be of interest to you; ...
Break free and leave us in ruins 如果我挣脱枷锁,把我们这些七零八落的曾经抛在脑后 Took this dagger in me and removed it 拔出你捅在我身上的匕首 Gain the weight of you then lose it 在我的生命中加上你的重量再抹掉 Believe me, I could do it ...
11座格莱美奖得主Taylor Swift也在NYU今年全校毕业典礼上被授予艺术博士,并给全体师生家长亲友发表了真挚的演讲。 人生有太多需要做出正确选择的关键时刻,但我们经常会为此不知所措。Taylor也用自己的亲身经历,告诉我们人生本就不完美,错误也会带来人生中那些最美好的东西。
视频地址: 【TED演讲】Taylor Swift:永远不要为自己的努力感到羞耻!(双语字幕) 一只wifi猫 粉丝:5文章:1 关注根据前面的机翻笔记,已人工校对,放心食用。 NEVER BE ASHAMED OF TRYING The first of which is life can be heavy, especially if you try to carry it all at once. Part of growing up and ...
Taylor Swift全球演唱会超有深度演讲:只有你自己,才能定义你内心的美好与价值 《只有你自己,才能定义你内心的美好与价值》 内容简介: Taylor Swift在全球巡回演唱会上的一段超有深度的致辞,其中有一段深深地打动人。 “If you want to change everything the only way is to change yourself.” “你不是别人眼...
Taylor Swift5月19日出席了 纽约大学2022届毕业典礼 发表演讲并被授予了“艺术博士”荣誉学位! 小编真的是看哭了 上进努力的人真的会闪闪发光 更何况她是泰勒斯威夫特呢 泰勒·斯威夫特NYU毕业典礼演讲全文 大家好,我是泰勒。 上次在如此大的体育场时,我正踩着高跟鞋跳舞,穿着闪闪发光的紧身衣。现在这身毕业服可...
Australia, Taylor Swift performed “Mine” on the b-stage in honor of a fan, Rachel, who was tragically killed in a car accident with her mother. This touching song about love that endures all is a Swifty favorite. Let us know what you think of the song. Enjoy the Taylor Talk f...