『T.S. 89』T..Taylor Swift官方Twitter:http://twitter.com/taylorswift13新浪微博中英文更新:http://t.sina.com.cn/taylorswift13in
Taylor此次推出的手机app,名为The Swift Life,与知名软件开发商Glu合作,是一款专门针对其粉丝的社交软件。粉丝可以在app上发布自己和Taylor有关的照片与视频,并与其他粉丝互动,功能类似著名社交媒体“Instagram”。目前,该应用已在苹果app store新加坡区上线,预计年底登陆全球应用市场。作为一款主打粉丝社交的定制app...
霉霉Taylor Swift与Jack Antonoff合拍更新Instagram: “这太酷了” http://t.cn/A6WcYcRk #霉霉残夏登顶公告牌#
从很久以前开始,Taylor Swift 跟Selena Gomez已经常常在社交媒体大晒闺蜜情,原来她们的友谊已经是在Selena 13岁、还在当迪士尼频道童星演员的时候就悄悄萌芽了。当时Taylor Swift刚刚以歌手身份出道,而Selena的事业也正在刚刚起步,所以两人相当投契! 不过两人成为闺蜜的最大原因,原来是因为她们也曾经交往过乔纳斯兄弟(Jonas...
Taylor说她的post是想让年轻粉丝知道想投票必须要去登记。正如她所说,“嘿,你知道,你不能只是卷起衣袖就可以了。” 根据Vote.org网站的数据,在她发post24小时内约有65,000名新选民登记。 第二天特朗普为Blackburn辩护。 “她是一个伟大的女人,”他对记者说。 “我确信Taylor Swift对她一无所知。这让我对Tay...
As soon as thepopstar’s 16-track project dropped at midnight on Friday (April 19), Swift made her very first post on Threads, Instagram’s text-only counterpart which launched last year. At the same time, a mysterious two-hour countdown went live on her Instagram ...
On Thursday, the "Lover" singer gave fans a look into her social distancing mood with an epic Instagram post. Sitting comfortably on her glamorous couch and donning Free People's Bali Daisy Jane oversized sweater (now sold out) and slouch joggers, Swift can be seen holding up a glass of...
在时代杂志的年度人物寄语中,这样介绍Taylor Swift: “自1927年开始,《时代》会对年度最具影响力的人物进行衡量,这些人物通常在评选年有巨大的影响力,所以《时代》至今选出了14位美国总统,5位俄罗斯或苏联领导人,甚至是3位罗马教皇。 但是在2023年这个不同寻常的一年,世界在分崩离析。在这个黑暗、世界仿佛在瓦解的...
Taylor Swift and her affiliated entities do not sponsor, have not authorized, and are not affiliated with any “tribute,”“themed,” or third party-sponsored event(s). If you choose to attend such an unauthorized event and/or acquire unauthorized products in connection with the same, you do...
Taylor Swift Looks Chic While Stepping Out For Dinner With Her Parents 1/18/2025 by Just Jared Just Jared Severance season 2 is finally here! (Was it worth the almost three-year long wait?) 1/17/2025 by Reed Gaudens ShowSnob CNN Reaches Settlement With Security Consultant After Jury Found...