I’d like to say a huge thank you to NYU‘s Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Bill Berkeley and all the trustees and members of the board, NYU’s President Andrew Hamilton, Provost Katherine Fleming, and the faculty and alumni ...
据美国《今日》(Today)新闻报道,美国最大的家族史网站“家谱网”(Ancestry)近日独家披露,美国当今的传奇音乐人泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)与19世纪美国诗人艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)有亲戚关系。“斯威夫特和狄金森都是17世纪英国移民的后裔。斯威夫特的第九任曾祖父和狄金森的第六任曾祖父均为美国康涅狄格...
Not a single one of us here today has done it alone. We are each a patchwork quilt of those who have loved us, those who have believed in our futures, those who showed us empathy and kindness — or told us the truth, even when it wasn’t easy to hear. Those who told us we cou...
To all the incredible parents, family members, mentors, teachers, allies, friends and loved ones here today who have supported these students in their pursuit of educational enrichment, let me say to you now: Welcome to New York. It’s been waiting for you. 我知道我说的话应该只代表我个人...
泰勒演讲稿 【知享堂|学英语】Taylor Swift 纽约大学毕业典礼的完整演讲 Hi, I’m Taylor. 嗨,我是泰勒。 Last time I was in a stadium this size, I was dancing in heels and wearing a glittery leotard. Thi…
当地时间5月18日,TaylorSwift霉霉被纽约大学授予荣誉博士学位并发表演讲。当霉女士一出现在操场,那一声声:“Taylor,I love U”直接响彻整个曼哈顿上空。 她鼓励疫情下的大学生:“每个人在面临学业压力的同时,还要通过无数次核酸检测,我知道大家都渴望正常的大学经历,但生活就是这样”,“我该怎么给这么多人的人生选...
又是一年毕业季,前段时间集美貌与才华为一身的“霉霉”Taylor Swift在纽约大学(NYU)的毕业演讲,不仅点燃了紫色海洋的纽约洋基体育场,更在各大社交平台刷屏啦! 图源:纽约邮报 不知道大家有没有观看并疯狂打call呢? 在演讲中,霉霉提到...
Not a single one of us here today has done it alone. We are each a patchwork quilt of those who have loved us, those who have believed in our futures, those who showed us empathy and kindness or told us the truth even when it wasn’t easy to hear. Those who told us we could do...
Taylor Swift. Self: Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour. Taylor Alison Swift is a multi-Grammy award-winning American singer/songwriter who, in 2010 at the age of 20, became the youngest artist in history to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. In 2011 Sw
Not a single one of us here today has done it alone. We are each a patchwork quilt of those who have loved us, those who have believed in our futures, those who showed us empathy and kindness or told us the truth even when it wasn’t easy to hear. Those who told us we could do...