#taylorswift #霉霉 So high school不要太甜呀,霉姐夫你好运气.#ttpd - 𝔀𝓽𝓯.𝟏𝟑于20240420发布在抖音,已经收获了11.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
I never got to have the normal college experience, per se. I went to public high school until tenth grade and finished my education doing homeschool work on the floors of airport terminals. Then I went out on the road on a radio tour, which sounds incredibly glamorous but in reality it ...
她的高中时在田纳西州的Hendersonville High School 是一个教会性质的私立学校 她就在学校里念了高一 之后就home school了 但是她是通过考试认证拿到高中学位的 她现在没有念大学的打算 她的初中时在宾夕法尼亚州的North Brandywine Middle School但是在初中时她的朋友都疏远她 所以初中的时候她没有好朋...
I never got to have the normal college experience, per se. I went to public high school until tenth grade and finished my education doing homeschool work on the floors of airport terminals. Then I went out on the road on a radio tour, which sounds incredibly glamorous but in reality it ...
3.“ I went to public high school until tenth grade and finished my education doing homeschool work on the floors of airport terminals. Then I went out on the road on a radio tour, which sounds incredibly glamorous but in reality it consisted of a rental car, motels, and my mom and ...
I went to public high school until tenth grade and finished my education doing homeschool work on the floors of airport terminals. 我在公立高中读到十年级,在机场航站楼的地板上完成了我的学业。 Then I went out on the road on a radio tour, which sounds incredibly glamorous but in reality it...
Taylor Swift《So High School》: “You know how to ball, I know Aristotle. Brand new, full throttle. Touch me while your bros play grand theft auto. It's true, swear, scouts honor. You knew what yo...
#taylorswift #霉霉 So High School是给霉姐夫的!You know how to ball, I know Aristotle. #ttpd - 𝔀𝓽𝓯.𝟏𝟑于20240419发布在抖音,已经收获了11.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Taylor Swift全球演唱会超有深度演讲:只有你自己,才能定义你内心的美好与价值 《只有你自己,才能定义你内心的美好与价值》 内容简介: Taylor Swift在全球巡回演唱会上的一段超有深度的致辞,其中有一段深深地打动人。 “If you want to change everything the only way is to change yourself.” “你不是别人眼...
而NYU对Taylor Swift也是非常钟爱的,疫情下霉霉就通过在线网课的方式,开始攻读Fine Arts的荣誉博士学位。 早在今年年初,纽大Clive Davis学院也推出了关于霉霉的课程,该门课程通过仔细阅读她的音乐和从公共话语角度,来解构对泰勒斯威夫特的社会评价。 甚至就连教授这门课的Spanos教授也表示:作为霉霉的超级粉丝,能够与一...