2018-04-28 10:00:37Geear集者 0:00/0:00 速度 洗脑循环 视频加载失败 Geear集者 13.9万粉丝潮流、乐活、新知的集者资讯 05:29味蕾中的回忆,80后的美好时光——观作集者录vol.2 03:51观作集者录 第一期《周朝礼器在日本——备前烧森陶山香炉展》...
I like shining things,but I'll marry you with a paper ring.Uh huh that's right,darling,you ...
TaylorSwift 2024-5-27 08:23 It’s official, I left my 🤍 in Lisbon. My first time in Portugal and you all made me feel like I was right at home. I’ll seriously never forget the way you treated us, the overwhelming love and passion and hands in the air and dancing and how...
9.Love you to the moon and to Saturn Passed down like folk songs The love lasts so long.我...
TaylorSwift 2024-5-27 08:23 It’s official, I left my 🤍 in Lisbon. My first time in Portugal and you all made me feel like I was right at home. I’ll seriously never forget the way you treated us, the overwhelming love and passion and hands in the air and dancing and how...
Taylor Swift专题为您介绍知名作家Taylor Swift的生平经历,并且提供Taylor Swift经典语录,Taylor Swift的名言和Taylor Swift的句子,所有语录都是Taylor Swift的经典名言,代表了他的文学水平。
(I don’t have to pretend I like acid rock/Or that I’d like to be on a mega-yacht/With important men who think important thoughts)的《Now That We Don’t Talk》,到《Say Don’t Go》和《Is It Over Now?》,我们可以真切体会到,Swift 在创作这 5 首歌曲时不仅专注、犀利,而且是在考虑...
【Taylor Swift】Fortnight (feat. Post Malone)(Acoustic Version)全曲试听 3.6万 7-6 06:16【Taylor Swift】You’re in Love / cowboy like me - The Eras Tour阿姆斯特丹站第二场惊喜曲 6860 7-6 04:56【Taylor Swift】imgonnagetyouback / Dress - The Eras Tour阿姆斯特丹站第二场惊喜曲 4.4万 ...
“I feel like Taylor Swift might OWE me sex.”然而,事隔四年,近日,完整版的录音画面终于在网路上曝光。它几乎改写了过去大家对Taylor Swift 的态度,原来当年流出的确实是经过删减的版本。那一年,Kanye West 真的有打电话给Taylor Swift,并寻问歌词提及她的意见。当时,Kanye 提到的内容其实是:「给那些...
It fills me with such pride and joy to announce that my version of Speak Now will be out July 7 (just in time for July 9th, iykyk 😆) I first made Speak Now, completely self-written, between the ages of 18 and 20. The songs that came from this time in my life were marked by...