TaylorSwift超话 无数重复的’How did it end?’反映了在感情的尽头和外部的压力下叙述者自己一次次的困惑和混乱,她在迷惘和心碎中挣扎,感情结束是事实,世间万物都有始有终,有因有果,可为何偏偏是她的感情找不出死因。心中波涛汹涌的疑惑在私人动荡和公众监视下愈发起伏,倘若她自己都无法给自己一个答案,又该如何...
但基本上没人知道love story是讲一对女同性恋人——taylorswift和emilypoe的,emily是taylor乐队早期的吉...
TaylorSwift超话新加坡航空以霉霉 Taylor Swift 专辑为灵感创作出以新加坡、东京和悉尼为飞行目的地的海报!“ When it comes to flying out to catch your favourite singer-songwriter live, let us take you there. Can you guess who's the artist we're inspired by?” û收藏 173 ...
听众如果能稍稍把她和 kloss 的虐恋背景带入folklore和 evermore,就会发现歌曲可以说是字字泣血,令人心...
Guess who just got named Godmother of this little one….. (ME) @jaime_king @kyle_newman A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on Mar 1, 2015 at 9:39pm PST
导演对谈- 泰勒·斯威夫特与马丁·麦克多纳 Taylor Swift 前几天,泰勒·斯威夫特被美国《时代周刊》评为 2023 年「年度人物」。杂志总编辑在讲述她获奖理由时说到:“泰勒能够在非常黑暗的时期给全世界的人们带来希望。她找到超越边界的方式,成为光之源。没有人能像她一样感动这么多人。” 一起来看看她对自己...
I guess it's true that love was all you wanted 我想,你肯定渴望一份能给你温暖的爱Cause you're giving it away like it's extra change 因为你正在放弃所拥有的一切,好像你认为一切都是命运对你的过多的眷顾Hoping it will end up in his pocket 希望这份哀怨会在他的口袋中永远封存But he leaves ...
《Need You Now》这首本是准备收录在Taylor Swift的同名专辑《Taylor Swift》中的,后来并未发行。其被收录在Taylor Swift的《Unreleased Songs》之中。中英歌词对照 Taylor Swift Need You Now "I need you now"我现在需要你 read letters that I wrote on the wall 阅读我在墙上写下给你的信 And the ...
The Taylor Swift of 2014 was at a particular nexus point in her attitude and concerns that wasn’t too close to what she’d written before or what she would turn to years later. It’s a Swift who’s shedding her last traces of romantic naivete and becoming wisened, if not nearly...
The ever-inquisitive Swift pleads, "You said you were gonna grow up/Then you were gonna come find me" and confronts this man who wouldn’t grow up. She even puts herself in the shoes of Wendy who waited for Peter Pan to return but has grown tired of waiting. TTPS Is All Quill And...