I’d moved permanently into the woods to stream Taylor Swift’s eighth studio album folklore where it deserved to be streamed: in the wilderness.Thursday morning, July 23, Swift announced a surprise album and music video were set to drop that Friday at midnight. Now, after a grueling night...
霉霉#Taylor Swift#无预警空降第八张录音室专辑folklore再次给整个欧美乐坛带来了不小的轰动,这张专辑收录了霉霉在疫情期间所联想到的久远而神秘的故事,本期视频就让我们一起细细品读这本引人入胜的民俗志吧。
I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit Been saying "yes" instead of"no" I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn'tthough Ihit the ground runningeach night /ai/ I hit theSunday matinée/ei/ You know the greatest films of all time were never made hit the ground runn...
Just when we thought nothing could surprise us anymore, Taylor Swift once again proved that she can do the impossible: this time, by announcing the release of a brand new album, called folklore, day-of. But while this is a unprecedented move for the star, what remains the same is the ...
TaylorSwift在“folklore”里突破她所有规则,并给自己一次迫切需要的逃离。 这位流行巨星,是EW杂志今年的年度艺人之一,她深入探讨她毫无预兆发行的第八张专辑、RebekahHarkness以及拜登选总统。 “他和我一起写了‘exile’这首歌。”Taylor一本正经地明确道。“谁是WilliamBowery”这个问题,连同虎王JoeExotic以及杀人大黄...
7月23日,“霉霉”Taylor Swift突然在推上宣布了一个大惊喜,24日零点她要发新专辑了! “惊喜!今天(23日)午夜我将发行第八张录音室专辑《Folklore》(民间传说); 我将所有奇思妙想、梦想、恐惧和思索都注入到这张全新专辑中 。” 霉霉这张专辑是她疫情隔离期间3个月,在家里和制作人团队异地在线联手制...
folklore n. /ˈfəʊklɔː(r)/ 托福/GRE词汇 [ U ] the traditions and stories of a...
(本篇已被我发现抖音小红书作者抄袭,本文完成耗费心血,如有任何自媒体引用抄袭,将进行挂人举报甚至诉诸法律)evermore专辑歌词赏析更新中:故事性与诗意—— evermore 歌词赏析(不定期增补……)———正文:这是一张注定会争议颇大的专辑,因为它独立而私人,也更成熟甚至,晦涩,不再迁就任何pop粉和对时政不关心的低龄粉...
总的来说folklore是一张很具有叙事感,并且善于抓住细节引起广泛共鸣的专辑。可能 以前的她是 make her ...
除此之外,Taylor Swift還嘗試在《Mad Woman》裏頭(又是由鋼琴展開),運用她那較低沉的吟唱,去表現出其音樂上的Dark Side;甚至《Mad Woman》的歌詞竟然出現了粗口,使到《Folklore》成為了Taylor Swift第一張被貼上Explicit Content Label的唱片。不過平心而論,《Mad Woman》並未能夠將「黑暗」發揮得淋漓盡致,它一...