More information about Taylor Swift can be found on her official website. Wikipedia will have a more updated and far larger article on her; you can visit it by clicking here. You are reading the article dedicated to the person. You may have been looking
八年前?——我看到有人说:“Taylor Swift是Dolly Parton继承人,Laura Marling是Joni Mitchell继承人。”后来Taylor Swift转型,两人就没有可比性了。现在Taylor Swift转回来,我看到有人把Taylor Swift和Joni Mitchell关联起来,又惊了。 有人把Taylor Swift吹出彩虹屁的理由是她的音乐形象/艺术人格/随便你说什么吧......
73 Q’s with Taylor Swift 中英字幕 向上滑动阅览 Hi 嗨 Hey. 嗨! Come in. 进来吧! Thank you so much for fitting a 73-question interview into your busy schedule. 谢谢你百忙之中抽空接受这个73个问题的采访。 Oh. It...
Taylor Swift 同名专辑中是一个青涩的她,青涩的创作、青涩的嗓音,将Taylor Swift这个名字带入了大众视野。有一首歌叫做《Tim Mcgraw》,而在将来的某一天,小泰勒和Tim Mcgraw本人合唱了这首歌。这张专辑中我很喜欢的一首是《Should've said no》,尤其是和Jonas Brothers合唱的版本。bridge的那句“I can't resi...
His favorite color\'s green And he loves to argue Oh, and it kills me His sister\'s beautiful He has his father\'s eyes And if you ask me if I love him... Don\'t you ask me if I love him... 'Cause I\'d lie mp3下载:
Swift has always beenlaudedfor the emotional precision of her words and thenuanceof her melodies. Even when the sentiment and the tone were too precious or wounded, there was still room to appreciate thecraftof her lines. “Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street,...
Taylor Swift 同名专辑中是一个青涩的她,青涩的创作、青涩的嗓音,将Taylor Swift这个名字带入了大众视野。有一首歌叫做《Tim Mcgraw》,而在将来的某一天,小泰勒和Tim Mcgraw本人合唱了这首歌。这张专辑中我很喜欢的一首是《Should've said no》,尤其是和Jonas Brothers合唱的版本。bridge的那句“I can't resi...
(本篇已被我发现抖音小红书作者抄袭,本文完成耗费心血,如有任何自媒体引用抄袭,将进行挂人举报甚至诉诸法律)evermore专辑歌词赏析更新中:故事性与诗意—— evermore 歌词赏析(不定期增补……)———正文:这是一张注定会争议颇大的专辑,因为它独立而私人,也更成熟甚至,晦涩,不再迁就任何pop粉和对时政不关心的低龄粉...
虽然我不算是很资深的霉粉,但是霉霉真的带给我很深的感受。她的歌会鼓励我,像Shake it off这样的...
invisible string - Taylor Swift (泰勒·斯威夫特) Written by:Taylor Swift/Aaron Dessner © 2020 TASRM Publishing, administered by:Songs Of Universal, Inc