TaylorSwift超话Eras Tour 经济账汇总:预计全美观众带来的演唱会直接消费额为46亿美元(财富杂志)亚利桑那:两场演出带来超过15万粉丝,远超超级碗的6.8万人。当地酒店推出各种泰勒丝主题餐饮吸引游客,酒店价格从300-400飙升至1600美元,当地的特色饼干店在演出期间销量从1500份涨至3000-5000份。预计给当地经济带动超过5.7-6...
“The Eras Tour” 历时20多个月 全球53座城市 共计149场演出 1016万粉丝参与 票房合共$20亿7761万美元 最近完结的Taylor Swift “The Eras Tour”世界巡回演唱会,无疑是乐坛历史上又一个里程碑式的盛事,必将深深镌刻在音乐的殿堂之中。自2023年3月17日在美国亚利桑那州格兰代尔拉开帷幕,Taylor Swift的世界巡回...
霉霉20亿美元全球巡演的成功秘诀|烟火财经圣诞特辑TaylorSwift的ErasTour创造了20亿美元的惊人票房,打破了演唱会历史记录!本期为你详细解析她的 婉晴雅舍 482粉丝 · 121个视频 关注 接下来播放自动播放 01:40 地铁逃生:三个卧底看我刷BOSS,会背刺我吗? 南美小猴子 46万次播放 · 1427次点赞 03:49 美国吹的牛...
Taylor Swift的“The Eras Tour”在2023年取得了巨大成功,不仅在全球范围内吸引了大量歌迷,而且在票房收入方面也创造了新的记录。吉尼斯世界纪录官方认证,该巡演在60场演出中便共计售出了435万张门票,总收入达到了惊人的10.4亿美元。这个数字使其成为史上票房收入最高的音乐巡演,并且是第一个突破10亿美元大关的巡演,...
Taylor Swift‘s “The Eras Tour” has crossed a notable box office milestone. The concert film has grossed more than $250 million globally, including $178.2 million domestically and $71.8 million internationally after seven weeks of release. It stands as the 19th highest-grossing r...
Taylor Swift在巡演上的「Enchanted」礼服,以及设计师制作的过程。 cocodycn 751 0 本次泰勒斯The Eras Tour日本东京四晚的表演将为日本带来高达341亿日元(约2.296亿美元)的收入 cocodycn 1617 0 霉霉Taylor Swift和Travis Kelce最新马里布街拍 cocodycn 1969 0 霉霉新专辑部分歌名可能代表的含义loml:Love Of...
Taylor Swift earns streaming and sales gains following the 'Eras Tour' film debut. Get the details.
"Taylor Swift : The Eras Tour" will play at least four showtimes per day on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at every AMC theater location in the United States. Now due to this unprecedented demand, AMC is already adding additional showtimes to increase capacity where it's "necessar...
Taylor Swift is officially a billionaire thanks to her record-breaking Eras Tour and re-recording project, according to Bloomberg BYAlicia Adamczyk October 27, 2023 at 8:29 AM GMT+8Taylor Swift, 33, is officially a billionaire, according to Bloomberg. Hector Vivas—TAS23/Getty ImagesPop...
Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour will be the first to shatter $1 billion in ticket sales, making a lot of people richer. “The dollar bill should have her face on it.”