【TSCN】2月16号|The Eras Tour|澳洲墨尔本|第一场|🏆Taylor本场上座人数达9万6千人,是Taylor职业生涯中开过人数最多的演唱会。Taylor也是自1993年麦当娜以来,第一位在MCG墨尔本板球场开演唱会的女艺人。 #...
The Eras Tour新加坡站座位图出炉!! 普通(CAT6到CAT1):普通六档票价:577RMB(紫色区域)普通五档票价:898RMB(橙色区域)普通四档票价:1326RMB(绿色区域)普通三档票价:1540RMB(红色区域)普通...
Never doubt the power of Taylor Swift. Ticketmaster has extended presales for tickets to Swift's upcoming "Eras" tour after fans flocked to the site, causing site disruptions and slow queues. The ticket seller took to social media to update fans about the inter...
Tour Collection
2024.03.04 新加坡N3 VIP1 PD3 第二排 只拍了部分 Cruel Summer (Live from TS|The Eras Tour) 音乐 音乐现场 泰勒斯威夫特 霉霉 theerastour 时代巡演 Taylor Swift 欧美现场 NO. 015336 叶叶夜夜耶--- 我爱死你了,视频永远高质量 2024-03-12 02:17 ...
TheTaylor Swift| The Eras Tourconcert movie is on track to open as thetop-grossing music concert filmever. The movie chronicling the singer’s sold-out, career-spanning 2023 stadium tour doesn’t open until Oct. 13, but according toThe Hollywood Reporter, it has already racke...
AMC said Thursday the Eras Tour Taylor Swift movie has already crossed $100 million in advance ticket sales, more than a week before the film hits theaters.
Those hoping to snag tickets for Taylor Swift‘s 2023 Eras Tour during Friday's public on-sale got some bad news on Thursday (Nov. 17).
本次万豪活动抽奖针对美国 50 个州、华盛顿特区、中国大陆、澳门地区和台湾地区、日本、韩国、印度、新西兰、瑞士、德国、奥地利、法国的合法居民开放。比利时、爱尔兰、英国、瑞典、芬兰、荷兰、挪威、西班牙、墨西哥、阿根廷(不包括门多萨、内乌肯、萨尔塔、内格罗河和火地岛)和加拿大(“资格地区”)万豪旅享家会员截至入境之...
TaylorSwift The Eras Tour新加坡站巡演门票价格出炉!! 普通(含山顶/看台):普通六档票价:577RMB普通五档票价:898RMB普通四档票价:1326RMB 普通三档票价:1540RMB普通二档票价:1754RMB普通一档票价:1860RMBVIP:VIP六档票价:1754RMBVIP五档票价:2289RMBVIP四档票价:2823RMBVIP三档票价:3358RMBVIP二档票价:3893RMBVIP一档...