【赛高画质】Taylor Swift 霉霉 泰勒斯威夫特 The Eras Tour 新加坡演唱会分集共计14条视频,包括:【开场】Miss American and the Heartbreak Prince & Cruel Summer、The Man & You Need to Clam Down、The Archer等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
【Taylor Swift】It's been a long time coming… (The Eras Tour 2.0 Intro音频) 3872 1 02:47 App Taylor Swift|The Eras Tour intro 无观众欢呼声 纯享版 含ttpd| 4467 0 07:26 App 《残夏》霉霉The Eras Tour!这跟现场有什么区别啊啊啊啊啊嗨疯了 9869 0 02:11 App The Eras Tour时代巡演...
泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift) 的“时代巡演 (Eras Tour)”中使用的发光音乐会腕带的逆向工程揭示了简单的红外控制技术 泰勒·斯威夫特的 Eras Tour 使用了 PixMob 公司生产的发光腕带。这些腕带可以使用红外信号进行远程控制。腕带包含一个微控制器、LED 和一个红外接收器,可以产生各种灯光效果。逆向工程社区分析了用...
霉霉Taylor Swift在巡演开始前的半年内,每天都一边跑步一边大声唱整个Eras Tour歌单在了The Eras Tour启航的6个月前,Swift就开始健身了。她说:“从长远来看,我知道这次巡演比我以前做过的任何事情都难。我终于第一次正确地做好了身体上的准备。” 她的训练计划包括每天在跑步机上跑步,同时大声唱出整个The Eras ...
The family built a weeklong itinerary around The Eras Tour event, spending a few days in London before making their way to the Netherlands for the show. They would have likely visited the two cities at some point in the future, but the Swift concert accelerated their timeline, said Rao, 43...
泰勒·斯威夫特:时代巡回演唱会 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (2023) 210分钟(完整版) 的时代巡回演唱会无疑是近期音乐界的一大盛事。此次巡演自启动以来,便吸引了全球范围内无数乐迷的热烈关注与期待,而泰勒·斯威夫特作为流行音乐的重要代表人物,其每一次的舞台演出都无疑成为她音乐生涯中的重要篇章。
Delrahim believes “Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour” — as a movie distributed by a theater chain, with nontraditional ticket prices — could “fuel new business models to save the exhibitors.” “There will be more appetite to experiment different model...
霉霉Taylor Swift - 时代巡演 The Eras Tour (Taylor's Version) 迪士尼终极加长版 2024 来自: 4525 2024-03-15 14:26:46 广西 泰勒斯威夫特 时代巡演 3个小时半版本 新增不插电部分 I Can See You Death By A Thousand Cuts Our Song(播了两遍) You Are In Love Maroon You're On Your Own,Kid(...
For Contiki, which bills itself as a social travel company for ages 18-35, the European leg for Swift’s The Eras Tour presented an opportunity it knew it had to take advantage of. During the first North American leg, the London-based operator began brainstorming ideas, and in September ...