近日,霉霉Taylor·Swift现身NFL橄榄球赛场,为男友特拉维斯 · 凯尔斯打call,引来媒体和粉丝一阵狂欢。值得一提的是,特拉维斯所属的酋长队 17:10 战胜对手,成功闯入超级碗!霉霉献上了激动一吻,谁羡慕,我就不说了。因为霉霉的出现,NFL 和酋长队已经提升了相当于 3.315 亿美元的品牌价值。此外,身高1米96...
#TaylorSwift[超话]# 霉霉和NFL的更多故事霉爸以前是NFL费城老鹰队的铁杆球迷,受老爸熏陶霉霉也是老鹰队铁杆球迷,二十多年前酋长的现主教练Andy Reid还在老鹰队执教,那时候霉爸有时间经常会带霉霉去看老鹰队...
TaylorSwift超话在泰勒丝现身NFL赛事和Travis Kelce互动的新闻出现后,多名共和党人,包括FOX新闻台等多位记者, 主持对泰勒丝进行了人身攻击。包括对于NFL修改官推背景图成泰勒丝在VIP席位欢呼的愤怒,对于泰勒丝作为女性出席体育比赛的嘲讽,对于“新恋情”甚至对Travis Kelce的攻击等。赫芬顿邮报今天引用MSNBC评论员Ari Melbe...
The latter would likely please the “dads, Brads and Chads” of the world, who have taken issue with the attention being paid to pop star Taylor Swift when she attends NFL games to see her boyfriend Travis Kelce in action. But the truth is this: Leaning into Taylor mania is a no-lose...
Taylor.Swift.-.[Mine.(NFL.Opening.Kickoff.09.09.2010)].Live.(1080i) 23 0 04:47 App Taylor.Swift.-.[You.Belong.With.Me.(The.Ellen.DeGeneres.Show.11.01.2010)].Live.( 23 0 04:47 App Taylor.Swift.-.[You.Belong.With.Me.(The.Ellen.DeGeneres.Show.11.01.2010)].Live.( 103 0 04:...
NFL season is coming soon, and Taylor Swift is all the rage for football. The NFL just dropped an ad featuring Taylor, and she’s also cooking up some plays for Travis Kelce’s team, the Kansas City Chiefs. Keep watching to see the ad! Tetris Kelly:Is it football season or Swiftie ...
霉霉在吉列体育场的三连拍📸️ nfl 霉霉 taylorswift…
《Taylor Swift霉霉新单ME!成为NFL选秀宣传曲》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
In recent weeks, Taylor Swift has beengrabbing seemingly endless attention for the NFLwith her attendance at boyfriend Travis Kelce’s games. But she also has heads turning for her fashion on and off the field, in particular as she has sported custom-made pieces courtes...
00:00/00:00 霉霉在吉列体育场的三连拍️nfl 霉霉 taylorswift 拳击那点事发布于:江西省2024.06.07 00:00 分享到