Taylor Swift Explains Her Awards Show Dance Movestweatherby
翻开2024年斯德哥尔摩的音乐日历,各种活动异彩纷呈。来自世界各地的音乐人纷纷将这座”北欧之都“设为今年演出的重要一站。 最令人期待的无疑是国际巨星泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)带来的”时代之旅“国际巡演,5月17、18、19日,演唱会将在斯德哥...
#全球音乐鉴赏# Taylor Swift献唱励志电影《One Chance》片尾曲,“唯一你能听见的回应只是断然地否定...原本只是一个渺茫的机会,曾经破碎的梦想重回到你手中...曾以为会终日不停的倾盆大雨如今晴空万里,你昂首站立在那里,像十尺高的巨人...这一天我早知道会到来...”,励志又感人,超好听O网页链接 ...
Movie theaters turned into concert venues this weekend as Swifties brought their dance moves and friendship bracelets to multiplexes across the country.
Taylor Swift《Delicate (Dance Rehearsal Part 1)》MV在线看!Taylor Swift 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Though Swift didn't have any wins to celebrate at the 2015 GRAMMYs, shemade headlinesfor her endearing dance moves during the performances — staying true to the name of her nominated single, "Shake It Off." 2016 — 58th GRAMMY Awards ...
Would you be surprised to know (or be reminded) that Taylor Swift hasn’t really released a breakup album in a decade? For a gal who’s never really shorn that as her songwriting reputation, it’s funny to think that she’s spent the better part of the last 10 years being off-...
【Anita】性感探戈《 Santa Maria 》 | 婚礼舞蹈 | First Dance WeddingDance婚礼舞蹈 4263 0 01:25 【KINGLAND】《Lover》-Taylor swift 原创编舞 ~这首幸福的歌曲真的是太有爱啦! KINGLAND_DANCE 3006 0 02:38 【Anita】欢快风 Talor Swift《 Lover 》2分半精华版 | 婚礼舞蹈 | First Dance ...
《Delicate》音樂錄影帶 解析 & 彩蛋 & 心得分享-這支MV可以說是目前四支MV中,彩蛋最少,但卻展現最真實的Taylor的一支MV。如果你是忠實的Swifties,那麼你會有很大的感觸,也會因為MV的幾個鏡頭感到不捨-1⃣MV一開始,Taylor站著發呆,從她的神色可以看得出她的無奈,接受媒體採訪、一舉一動都被媒體用鏡頭關注...
Taylor Swift gets backlash over dance moves 00:56 • HLN CNN — Taylor Swift is dancing like no one is watching in her new music video and that appears to be her wish. The superstar singer debuted the video for her single “Delicate” at Sunday’s iHeartRadio Music Awards. Swift...