[自留]2024.3.2 霉霉Taylor Swift新加坡演唱会-中 Speak now+Red+Folklore+1989 1303 0 01:18:38 App [自留]2024.3.2 霉霉Taylor Swift新加坡演唱会-上 Lover+Fearless +Evermore+Reputation 846 0 25:15 App [自留]2024.3.8霉霉Taylor Swift新加坡演唱会 开场+Lover篇 4.2万 35 10:23 App Ed Sheeran...
9.dress 连衣裙这首小黄歌其实比较私人,pre chorus的如同sex的一段喘息更是会赶走一些路人听众,但如果...
[❎] That's When [❎] Don't You [❎] Bye Bye Baby 有屁Speak Now TV85% [💜] Mine [💜] Sparks Fly [💜] Back to December [💜] Speak Now [💜] Dear John [💜] Mean [💜] The Story of Us [💜] Never Grow UpEnchanted [💜] Better than Revenge [💜] Innocent...
2006年,Taylor Swift聪明地借当红乡村巨匠Tim McGraw名字为题,推出首支单曲,反响巨大,随后首张同名专辑取得了乡村专辑销量榜第三名的漂亮成绩。 Taylor Swift受歌剧演员的外婆影响,自小便和音乐结下不解之缘,十岁开始在家乡一带到处表演,十二岁开始苦练吉他,经常弹到手指流血,同时开始尝试作曲。 Taylor Swift的嗓音还...
5.Dress 6.This is why we can't have nice things 《Gorgeous》这首歌衔接着闹剧,给Reputation拍...
Taylor Swift on Sexism, Scrutiny, and Standing Up for Herself Cover Look 这是在纽约特里贝卡的一个星期天下午,我在Taylor Swift家的阁楼里,她的家前身是一个印刷厂,经过她重新装修,使用红砖,天鹅绒和桃花心木来装饰。整个空间温暖而舒适。当我们穿过她的卧室前往她的花园时,我的大脑中有10%会相信她...
--Taylor Swift You said the way my blue eyes shined, 你说我的蓝眼睛的闪烁 Put those Georgia stars to shame that night 让当晚所有格鲁吉亚的星星黯然失色 I said: "That's a lie" 我说:“这是一个谎言。” Just a boy in a Chevy truck, ...
『Speak Now..Dear Taylor Swift (from Ronan)andthatlittleblackdress :A love letter to you? Yes. A love letter to y
the best.. everyone was a bit reserved at the start but it didn't take long before the dancing started. It was more than a movie. It was an experience and the best of all was the absolute happiness in that theater. Best time I have ever had at a movie. Taylor Swift is a ...
求Taylor Swift所有歌的歌词(加中文翻译)1-【Tim McGraw】★You said the way my blue eyes shined 你说我的蓝眼睛这样闪闪发光Put those Georgia stars to shame that night让那晚所有乔治亚州的星星都黯然失色I