最近完结的Taylor Swift “The Eras Tour”世界巡回演唱会,无疑是乐坛历史上又一个里程碑式的盛事,必将深深镌刻在音乐的殿堂之中。自2023年3月17日在美国亚利桑那州格兰代尔拉开帷幕,Taylor Swift的世界巡回演唱会历时20多个月,走过了全球53座城市,最终在2024年12月8日于加拿大温哥华圆满结束。这场盛大的巡演已经不...
拒绝Swiftie信息差! TaylorSwift演唱会 整理翻译了一下午 TheErasTour新加坡场官方公布座位图🎫票价还有什么疑问尽管来问我哦 后续还会持续整理更新⚠️拒绝🐮拒绝以任何形式的天价门票⚠️不要随便相信别人即使 - someone1989于20230702发布在抖音,已经收
Taylor Swift‘s “The Eras Tour” has crossed a notable box office milestone. The concert film has grossed more than $250 million globally, including $178.2 million domestically and $71.8 million internationally after seven weeks of release. It stands as the 19th highest-grossing r...
最近完结的Taylor Swift “The Eras Tour”世界巡回演唱会,无疑是乐坛历史上又一个里程碑式的盛事,必将深深镌刻在音乐的殿堂之中。自2023年3月17日在美国亚利桑那州格兰代尔拉开帷幕,Taylor Swift的世界巡回演唱会历时20多个月,走过了全球53座城市,最终在2024年12月8日于加拿大温哥华圆满结束。这场盛大的巡演已经不...
随着Taylor Swift的“The Eras Tour”于2024年12月圆满结束,这位乐坛巨星的全球巡演成为了一场音乐、经济和文化现象。历时超过20个月的巡演里,共计149场演出的票房收入高达20亿7761万美元,吸引了1016万粉丝到场,成为音乐史上票房最高的演唱会。这次巡演不仅展示了Taylor琳琅满目的音乐才华,更为经济、文化和旅游等多个...
Taylor Swift Tour Info: Following a complete overhaul of her entire music collection, fans are eagerly awaiting aTaylor Swift tourannouncement, and we don’t have to wait any longer! As Taylor Swift matures right along with her fanbase, we’re seeing a great reception for all things “Taylor...
The singer's next batch of U.S. dates kicks off mid-October 2024, following an overseas jaunt that is set to begin late this month. Hitting cities across South America, Asia, Australia, Europe, the U.K. and more, that portion of the Eras Tour will keep Swift busy for nearly a year...
The Eras Tour新加坡站座位图出炉!! 普通(CAT6到CAT1):普通六档票价:577RMB(紫色区域)普通五档票价:898RMB(橙色区域)普通四档票价:1326RMB(绿色区域)普通三档票价:1540RMB(红色区域)普通...
Taylor Swift的“The Eras Tour”全球巡回演唱会,在历时20多个月后完美落幕,横扫全球53座城市,149场演出吸引了超过1016万的狂热粉丝,创下票房高达20亿7761万美元的辉煌记录。这场赛事不仅是音乐的盛宴,更是商业与文化的交织,被许多媒体形容为乐坛史上的里程碑,希望能深深铭刻在音乐殿堂之中。演唱会自2023年3月17日...
The new dates will see Swift and opener Sabrina Carpenter traveling across Asia, Europe and Australia next year following the conclusion of the U.S. and Latin American legs. After a two-month break in December 2023 and January 2024, the multi-Grammy winner will pick up in February with a ...