As a kid, I always thought I would go away to college, imagining the posters I’d hang on the wall of my freshmen dorm. I even set the ending of my music video for my song “Love Story” at my fantasy imaginary college, where I meet a male model reading a book on the grass and...
As a kid, I always thought I would go away to college, imagining the posters I’d hang on the wall of my freshmen dorm. I even set the ending of my music video for my song “Love Story” at my fantasy imagina...
As a kid, I always thought I would go away to college, imagining the posters I’d hang on the wall of my freshmen dorm. I even set the ending of my music video for my song “Love Story” at my fantasy imaginary college, where I meet a male model reading a book on the grass and...
As a kid, I always thought I would go away to college, imagining the posters I’d hang on the wall of my freshmen dorm. I even set the ending of my music video for my song “Love Story” at my fantasy imaginary college, where I meet a male model reading a book on the grass and...
霉霉Taylor Swift在纽约大学2022届毕业典礼的演讲原文 2022年5月18日,霉霉被纽约大学授予荣誉艺术(Fine Arts)博士学位,她作为代表发表演讲。她披肝沥胆分享自己从少女时期入行,一路走来所学到的“生活小窍门”。长达23分钟开诚布公的脱稿演讲,无数聆听者动容,也激励全球家属勇敢前行。💜 ...
Taylor Swift5月19日出席了 纽约大学2022届毕业典礼 发表演讲并被授予了“艺术博士”荣誉学位! 小编真的是看哭了 上进努力的人真的会闪闪发光 更何况她是泰勒斯威夫特呢 泰勒·斯威夫特NYU毕业典礼演讲全文 大家好,我是泰勒。 上次在如此大的体育场时,我正踩着高跟鞋跳舞,穿着闪闪发光的紧身衣。现在这身毕业服可...
As a kid, I always thought I would go away to college, imagining the posters I'd hang on the wall of my freshmen dorm. 小时候,我一直想着自己会上大学,思考着该在大学新生宿舍墙上贴哪些张海报。 I even set the ending of my music video for my song "Love Story" at my fantasy imaginary ...
Taylor Swift has always been destined for the spotlight! A vintage video of the "Blank Space" singer from an 8th grad school project just resurfaced, and we're getting to see what the blonde beauty looked like as a cute teen. Check out the video above to see one of Taylor's first ac...
·Taylor Swift(泰勒·斯威夫特),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国女歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、演员、纽约大学荣誉博士。 5月19日,泰勒于纽约大学2022届毕业典礼发表演讲并被授予 “艺术博士” 荣誉学位! ·荣誉博士学位(Honorary Doctoral Degree),也叫名誉博士学位,是世界多数国家通行授予的一种名誉...
Taylor Swift《You're On Your Own, Kid (Lyric Video)》MV在线看!Taylor Swift 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!