【霉霉】Taylor Swift 与 Travis Kelce 美网甜蜜现身!十指紧扣演唱「I Believe in a Thing Called Love」, 视频播放量 4553、弹幕量 0、点赞数 25、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 3、转发人数 0, 视频作者 atrainingdays, 作者简介 “杂食区”UP真的很“杂”,相关视频:【考古霉
笑发财了!霉霉Taylor Swift与男友Travis Kelce甜蜜荡秋千结果双双落水[允悲] #霉霉和男友海中接吻#
Mira Sorvino, Lisa Kudrow in Final Talks for ‘Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion’ Sequel (Exclusive) 5 hrs ago This Legendary MC Refuses To Guest On ‘Drink Champs,’ But Watches Faithfully 2 days ago Morgan Riddle Models ‘The Perfect Pair’ of Jeans in Abercrombie & Fitch’s ...
搜狐娱乐讯 近日,歌手“霉霉”Taylor Swift和橄榄球明星Travis Kelce被拍到牵手出街,正式公开恋情。早前,有媒体爆料霉霉与Travis正在约会中,霉霉还曾被拍到与Travis妈妈一同观看比赛、参加Travis球队庆功宴,但两人对恋情从未做出回应。
Taylor Swift 与新任NFL球星男友Travis Kelce终于有实打实的同框街拍了! 霉霉身穿格纹大衣,内搭以及其他点缀的单品都是黑色调,复古又时髦的一套look 。新任霉姐夫衣品好像也很不错,身穿Jil Sander 2023印花...
小道消息传Taylor Swift和两次超级碗冠军Travis Kelce在初步接触,两人在前段时间在纽约见了面。 两次超级碗冠军Travis Kelce在七月份在他和他哥的播客上说,他去看了霉霉演唱会,想跟霉霉说话,想要霉霉的电话都失败。 他试图在演出前跟霉霉说话,但被霉霉礼貌拒绝,霉霉说她不能说话,因为她保护嗓子好为演唱会唱44...
歌星“霉霉”与橄榄球明星Travis Kelce牵手出街,正式公开恋情 据最新爆料,全球知名歌手Taylor Swift(中文名:泰勒斯威夫特)与著名橄榄球明星Travis Kelce(中文名:特拉维斯凯尔斯)被拍到牵手出街,正式公开了他们的恋情。这对意想不到的组合引发了粉丝们的热议和好奇心。早前,有媒体曾报道霉霉和Travis正在约会中,...
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce enjoyed a night out in Buenos Aires while the pop superstar continues the South American leg of her Eras Tour.
Taylor Swift has stepped out with her new man and NFL star Travis Kelce, with the pair holding hands as they strolled the streets of New York on Saturday after enjoying a dinner together. 泰勒·斯威夫特和她的新男友、美国橄榄球联盟球星特拉维斯·凯尔斯一起现身。周六,两人共进晚餐后,手牵着手漫步...
Sept. 26, 2023: Kelce Says Swift Looked ‘Amazing’ at the Game Jason and Travis reflected on the game in theirNew Heightspodcast. “Shoutout to Taylor for pulling up!” Travis said. “That was pretty ballsy. That was pretty ballsy, yeah. I just thought it was awesome how everybody in...