Taylor swift:人型印钞机、经济拯救者、女财神、企业家、导演、演员 参考资料: [1]. 摇滚吧,经济学 - 艾伦·克鲁格 [2]. The Economy (Taylor’s Version) - washingtonpost [3]. The Staggering Economic Impact of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour - TIME [4]. Generating $5 billion, the Taylor Swift ...
Taylor Swift 究竟是如何撑起美国经济半壁江山的? 参考资料: [1]. 摇滚吧,经济学 - 艾伦·克鲁格 [2]. The Economy (Taylor’s Version) - washingtonpost [3]. The Staggering Economic Impact of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour - TIME [4]. Generating $5 billion, the Taylor Swift The Eras Tour has ...
有经济学家也对此进行了锐评,认为“Taylor带来的经济效益堪比举办一场奥运会”。 对此,Insider 也打出“The economy needs more Swift”的宣传标语。 不仅会唱歌,还会投资! Bloomberg从公开披露的数据中,做了关于Taylor的资产和收益数据估计,考虑了包括Taylor的音乐版税价值、房产估值、流媒体收益以及演唱会门票和周边产...
Taylor Swift is so influential that a new economic term has been coined to refer to her impact: "Swiftonomics". From concerts and tours to merchandise and deals, the power of Swift's brand not only earns her money but boosts economies by millions. ...
Some local media last month jumped on Barclays research about the spending habits of Swifties to suggest her concerts would bring in one billion sterling for the UK economy. But besides the likely substitution effect they have on other spending, there is also the fact ...
Swiftonomics probably won’t help answer that. It’s its own economic microcosm, and fans just shake it off. “I hesitate to read too much into people’s willingness to pay exorbitant amounts for Taylor Swift tickets in terms of what that says about the health of the U.S. economy,”...
The “Taylor Swift Economy” is a prime example of how cultural events can have wide-reaching economic impacts. It prompts us to consider how entertainment and tourism can be leveraged to boost local economies. Can you think of other events or phenomena with similar impacts?
近日,《时代》(TIME)杂志将2023年度人物(Person of the Year)授予:泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)。 Taylor Swift caps off massive 2023 by entering her Time Person of the Year era From: USA TODAY Taylor Swift is 2023's T...
During her Seattle stop, Swifties caused seismic activity equivalent to a 2.3 magnitude earthquake, attributed to a booming sound system and jumping, dancing and cheering fans.在西雅图期间,斯威夫特引起了相当于 2.3 级地震的地震活动,这要归功于轰隆隆的音响系统和跳舞欢呼的粉丝。It's true, just ...
Ahead of Swift's six concerts in Los Angeles, the California Center for Jobs & the Economy estimated the tour would result in a $320 million increase to the Los Angeles County GDP. The Center also expected the tour would increase area employment in the California city by 3,300, and local...