图片来源于:QQ音乐截图泰勒友谊手链Friendship Bracelet是霉霉演唱会的传统,这项传统源自于她专辑的一首歌曲You're On Your Own, Kids,歌曲中写道"So make the friendship bracelets take the moment and taste it",于是,交换手链就成了每场演唱会,来自世界各地的霉霉粉丝们,见面时心照不宣的小暗号。 而友谊手链...
Yeah, if you're if you're up on Taylor Swift concerts, there are friendship bracelets and I received a bunch of them being there but I wanted to give Taylor Swift one with my number on it.对,如果你参加泰勒·斯威夫特的演唱会的话,就会有手串,我在演唱会上收到了一大堆,不过我想给泰勒·...
sleek, and bold. There was nothing else in the show like it, and it was such an exciting challenge to try to improve upon a show we already loved
在 TikTok 上,Taylor Swift 的级别已经是顶流了,坐拥 2100 万的粉丝,话题播放量更是高达 1173 亿。而在 TikTok 上,全球巡演的话题标签 #erastour 截止目前为止积累了 213 亿的播放量,友谊手链的话题 #friendshipbracelets 浏览量也达到了 15 亿,标签下除了友谊手链的制作方法,还有不少粉丝在上面分享了霉霉...
Caitlin Clark quickly became one of the most popular athletes in the world over the last calendar year, andthe 22-year-old WNBA superstar is not shy about her love for Taylor Swift. In fact, Clarkbegan building up a collection of friendship bracelets from the pop icon'sworldwide ...
— Taylor Swift Charts (@chartstswift)November 1, 2024 And on this occasion some of said "Swifties" got a chance to interact with Caitlin at the concert. A candid shot of Clark appearing to trade friendship bracelets with fans was posted onlineby @TSUpdating on X....
Taylor Swift时代巡回演唱会,新加坡掀起一股“泰勒热”!在这周万众瞩目的泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)时代巡回演唱会(The Eras Tour)新加坡站,在3月2日傍晚正式拉开序曲。这是一场持续6天的演唱会狂欢盛宴...
Swift’s yellow gold bracelet shimmered with the letters ‘TNT,’ which fans are guessing is a nickname for Travis and Taylor. “An up close look at Taylor’s diamond friendship bracelet!” the jeweler posted on Instagram after the Jan. 28 game. ...
We can picture it now: Taylor Swift sitting around with Abigail, Selena Gomez and the HAIM sisters making friendship bracelets and drinking "cheap-ass screw-top rosé." While you're having fun with this bachelorette craft idea, don't forget to blast yourTaylor Swift music playlist. Bonus poin...
泰勒在2022年的专辑《Midnights》中有一句歌词:“So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it”,狂热的粉丝也随后掀起了带着手串去看泰勒演唱会的潮流。有来自美国电商网站Etsy的数据显示,今年夏天他们已经售出了价值300万美元的友谊手镯。这还不包括所有去当地工艺品店或者在网上购买珠子制作手镯...