【All Too Well】由Taylor Swift自编自导自演。封面配文:那天的午夜 又是你我,我们在昏黄的冰箱灯下 翩翩起舞。楼下转角处 你我在此共舞。一切都如此的刻骨铭心。🖤一部超精致用心的短片!分享给大家!🖤制作整理不易,希望大家多多点赞赞或一键三连支持喔!爱你们!,
沉浸于Taylor Swift深情演绎的《All Too Well (Ten Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault)》,感受十分钟版本的细腻情感,不容错过的音乐盛宴。 我这里有一份它的完整资源,快来点击[Taylor Swift All Too Well Ten Minute Version Taylor s Version From The Vault mp3]在线免费获取吧~...
雪花滑落手中,我仍能记得这一切太清楚 Just between us, did the love affair maim you all too well? Just between us, do you remember it all too well? Just between us, I remember it (Just between us) all too well Wind in my hair, I was there, I was there Down the stairs, I was ...
All too well歌词里:"Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well. "大概就是最...
#TaylorSwift[超话]# All Too Well原稿歌词 [泪][泪]一小部分: There we are again when you blew the candle out. Took this blazing love steared it right into the ground. Running scared I was there. I ...
Taylor Swift《All Too Well (中英字幕)》MV在线看!Taylor Swift 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
作曲: Taylor Swift/Liz Rose Part Ⅰ I walked through the door with you 曾与你一起穿门而入 The air was clod, but something about it felt like home somehow 那天空气清冷,却让我有久违的家的感觉 And I left my scarf there at your sister’s house 我把自己的围巾落在了你姐姐的家里 ...
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#TaylorSwift[超话]# All Too Well初稿歌词 扫描 在版本1!🆘初稿在这里 There we are again, when you blew the candle out. Took this blazing love, steered it right into the ground. Running scared, I was...