midnights is swift’s first album to be recorded entirely with jack antonoff , after nearly a decade of ever higher-profile collaborations. in the past, he has accentuated swift’s ambitiously vivid storytelling with expressive, technicolor synth pop . here, in accordance with the lateness of ...
【中英CC字幕】Taylor Swift Midnights 歌词版MV合集(全20首)共计21条视频,包括:1.Lavender Haze、2.Maroon、3.Anti-Hero等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Midnights is Swift’s first album to be recorded entirely with Jack Antonoff, after nearly a decade of ever higher-profile collaborations. In the past, he has accentuated Swift’s ambitiously vivid storytelling with expressive, technicolor synth pop. Here, in accordance with the lateness of the h...
Midnights获得Pitchfork 7分的评价 Pitchfork多Taylor的专辑评分一览:Red — 9.0Red TV — 8.5Speak Now — 8.2Fearless — 8.1folklore — 8.0evermore — 7.91989 — 7.7Fearless TV — 7.5Lover — 7.1Midnights — 7.0Taylor Swift — 67reputation — 6.5 û收藏 29 91 ñ1568 ...
But is “Midnights” more of an album in which Taylor Swift takes responsibility and even beats up on herself, as “Anti-Hero” would have it, or one where she establishes a strong sense of moral superiority — kind of a stock-in-trade all the way back to “Should’ve Said No” and...
想完全欣赏最后一首歌实体加曲Hits Different,建议把霉霉前四张专辑都听一遍:Taylor Swift, Fearless,...
但就像她过去发行的许多纯粹的 "流行 "作品一样,《Midnights》在表面的紫蓝色合成器迷雾下留下了越来越多的东西有待发掘。也许这就是她开始时的计划的一部分。 原文链接:https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-album-reviews/taylor-swift-midnights-1234611211/ Translated By DeepL 13 有用...
如果说《1989》作为Taylor Swift第一次个人全新音乐形象的粉丝过滤大洗牌,却收获了更庞大的年轻人听众...
「卷首语」Midnights - Taylor Swift “我们沉迷于爱和恐惧中,也在动荡和泪水中清醒。有时盯着墙壁喝酒,直到它们回话。困在自我的牢笼里,却又祈祷不被现状所困。就在这一刻,或许将要犯一些改变生活的致命错误...