今天我来挑战一下:Taylor Swift|霉霉|残夏|弃女|温柔男声|超好听|Lover|Cover|翻唱 凯尔同学 1.1万 62 霉霉未发行歌曲《Your Anything》泄露音频试听 | Taylor Swift August_Swiftie13 1.6万 4 【吉他弹唱】霉霉经典|I knew you were trouble| cover taylor swift|Red重录|治愈男声|渣男退散!秋瓷炫要...
【Cover Art】Taylor Swift新专辑《1989》三单《Style》官方封面出炉! 该曲将于2月10日派台 @泰勒斯威夫特资讯@TaylorSwift中文资讯@泰勒斯威夫特-资讯@TaylorSwift歌迷论坛@TaylorSwiftFansite@魚魚魚魚魚太郎 @环球音乐国际部 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 188 60 ñ255...
👉🏻【Taylor Swift Album&Single Cover 】泰勒斯威夫特专辑&单曲封面合集(9张) (本条微博存图专用,所有图片版权归TS及其公司所有,严禁任何形式的未授权商用‼️)
That’s the year Taylor Swift put out her biggest and most transformative album, ensuring that, for the rest of our lives, any citation of “1989” will make just about anyone in the world immediately think of “Shake It Off” and “Bad Blood,” not “My Prerogative” or “Wind ...
【废柴兔】Back to December-Taylor Swift|半曲COVER|谁的学生时代没有过泰勒|饭后突然的一翻-祈愿兔 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 1467 1 01:50 App 【废柴兔】不可方物-赵泳鑫|半曲COVER|小鑫入坑曲但歌词真的烫嘴所以翻的正襟危坐一本正经 1305 0 01:48 App 【废柴兔】辛弃疾...
taylor swift: #1989TaylorsVersion pic.twitter.com/bOGYhgqGSY— The Eras Tour (@tswifterastour) August 10, 2023 i'm sorry but this is her best album cover. the hair, the color of the lips, the hair, the seagulls, taylor truly being happy, it just is THAT cover. pic.twitter.co...
汪睿cover《Love Story》Taylor Swift 节目简介 汪睿是野猪 播出:未知 主持人:未知 地区:内地 类型:其他 简介:汪睿被称作为“翻版孙燕姿”,她不仅拥有一张超强明星脸,而她小小的身体里蕴藏极具爆发力的嗓音和对成熟的高音控制力。她的身上有当年孙燕姿的影子,而小个子大嗓门的汪睿不仅拥有孙燕姿的音色,更神似王若琳...
Taylor Swift 1989 Mashup (Cover)-Loreen 播放量:866 在手机上播 视频简介 Loreen发行时间:2014-01-25 In My Head - Loreen Lyricsvideo
Since it’s quite apparent that Ms. Swift is trending I thought it would be fun to recreate her album cover. According to theVultureTaylor’s album is an image shot on an Instant Polaroid Camera usingImpossible Film. Without spare film lying around I opted to create the faded, low-fi fee...