being essentially locked into your dorms or having to do classes over Zoom. Everyone in college during normal times stresses about test scores, but on top of that you also had to pass like a thousand COVID tests. I ...
self sabotage,create a reality where only your experience exists, ruin perfectly good moments for yourself and others,deny any wrongdoing,not take the steps to make it right,feel very guilty,let the guilt eat at you,hit
But I really can’t complain about not having a normal college experience to you because you went to NYU during a global pandemic, being essentially locked into your dorms or having to do classes over Zoom. Everyone in college during normal times stresses about test scores, but on top of t...
The first of which is life can be heavy, especially if you try to carry it all at once, part of growing up and moving into new chapters of your life, is about catch and release. What i mean by that is knowing what things to keep and what things to release. You can’t carry all...
11座格莱美奖得主Taylor Swift也在NYU今年全校毕业典礼上被授予艺术博士,并给全体师生家长亲友发表了真挚的演讲。 人生有太多需要做出正确选择的关键时刻,但我们经常会为此不知所措。Taylor也用自己的亲身经历,告诉我们人生本就不完美,错误也会带来人生中那些最美好的东西 ...
Taylor Swift is renowned for depicting her relationships and breakups in her songs. 在她的歌曲中写自己的情感经历、尤其是关于分手的,已经成为了她的标签。 She writes about these experiences in the most personal way, not afraid of attracting cr...
当地时间5月18日,TaylorSwift霉霉被纽约大学授予荣誉博士学位并发表演讲。当霉女士一出现在操场,那一声声:“Taylor,I love U”直接响彻整个曼哈顿上空。 她鼓励疫情下的大学生:“每个人在面临学业压力的同时,还要通过无数次核酸检测,我知道大家都渴望正常的大学经历,但生活就是这样”,“我该怎么给这么多人的人生选...
Taylor Swift名言名句 泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国女歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、演员、模特、导演、制片人。 2006年推出的首张同名专辑《Taylor Swift》,该专辑获得美国唱片业协会的5倍白金唱片认证,首次在公告牌二百强专辑榜中以第19名出现,并在第一周发售了3万9...
霉霉Taylor Swift在纽约大学2022届毕业典礼的演讲原文 2022年5月18日,霉霉被纽约大学授予荣誉艺术(Fine Arts)博士学位,她作为代表发表演讲。她披肝沥胆分享自己从少女时期入行,一路走来所学到的“生活小窍门”。长达23分钟开诚布公的脱稿演讲,无数聆听者动容,也激励全球家属勇敢前行。💜 ...
Self sabotage create a reality where only your experience exists, ruin perfectly good moments for yourself and others. Deny any wrongdoing. Not take the steps to make it right. Feel very guilty. Let the guilt eat at you. Hit rock bottom. ...