PS troll me all you want about my excessive and literal millennial ...展开全文c 小窗口 û 3104 2947 ñ27915 c +关注 TaylorSwift 2023-11-28 08:50来自微博视频号 Hi! Well, so, basically I have a birthday coming up and I was thinking a fun way to celebrate the year ...
During her acceptance speech, Swift noted that she had kept her upcoming album a secret for the past two years. Following her relationship timeline, fans have speculated that this would fall in line with the ending of her previous r...
My wife and I’s anniversary is coming up. Where should I take her? 我和我老婆的结婚纪念日要来了。我应该带她去哪庆祝? Um. Congratulations and you should take her to Big Sur. You’re welcome. 嗯,恭喜啦。你应该...
Flew in all her Bitch Pack friends from the city 她组建Bitch Pack所结识的好友都纷纷从都市飞来 Filled the pool with champagne and swam with the big names and blew through the money on the boys and the ballet 与名流们畅游香槟酒池 也资助着青年才俊和芭蕾舞团 ...
我觉得talvin和hiddleswift不需要说什么,很明显的pr 我记得calvin是和你霉谈的时候出轨被霉粉骂了,他...
“All I could think about was the incessant, manipulative bullying I’ve received at his hands for years,” she writes. “This is my worst case scenario.” Swift says Braun “stripped [her] of [her] life’s work” and “tried to dismantle” her “musical legacy,” pointin...
连续看了两个周末霉霉(Taylor Swift)的演唱会电影,说实话很累,主要是费嗓子,以至于我昨天七点多回家吃完饭一直睡到今天的七点多,但是在我打开昨天上传的视频后那种新潮澎湃的心情仍然萦绕于心,就像战歌响起(yeah~I am crying)。我很幸运,我爱上了霉霉,并且她值得我爱。在这场史无前例的THE ERAS TOUR中,万...
Taylor Swift, born in a small town in Pennsylvania in 1989 was not quite like her peers from an early age. In elementary school, Taylor's peers were obsessed with football and partying, but all she wanted was singing ...
Vanity Fair commended Swift for her ability to write about her feelings “in a confessional way.” 20. Swift has always been a strong headed girl, and fights to move forward in life. As a young girl, at the age of 14, she made the decision to move to Nashville, Tennessee to pursue ...