当地时间2015年5月17日,2015年度公告牌音乐奖的颁奖仪式(Billboard Music Awards)在美国拉斯维加斯举行。 Taylor Swift不出所料成为今年的最大赢家,一举夺得包括“年度最佳艺人”,“年度最佳女歌手”,“排行榜成就大奖”,“Billboard 200最佳专辑”(《1989》),“Billboard专辑榜最佳艺人”,“Hot 100单曲榜最佳艺人...
日前,在美国拉斯维加斯举办的2015公告牌音乐大奖(Billboard Music Awards 2015)盛典,小霉女Taylor成最大赢家,独揽8项大奖。在舞台上大放异彩的她,在红毯上同样也不能输。快跟着小编一起一睹红毯上各路明星的风光吧! TAYLOR SWIFT 是的!红毯上她又赢了!一套Balmain紧身纯白的jumpsuit,展现出Taylor模特儿般的好身...
Billboard Music Awards of the Year 2015 goes to Taylor Swift,a singer-songwriter,who has shaped and inspired the American music industry with her success. When Taylor Swift first came to public notice,she was a 17-year-old newcomer who loved singing to her own guitar.She was far more ...
Taylor Swift - 霉霉获奖片段 (Billboard Music Awards 2015)
Taylor Swift - 霉霉获奖片段 (Billboard Music Awards 2015)
18. Billboard Music Awards of the Year 2015goes to Taylor Swift,a singer-songwriter,who has shaped and inspired the American music industry with her success. When Taylor Swift first came to public notice,she was a 17-year-old newcomer who loved singing to her own guitar.She was far more...
Billboard Music Awards of the Year 2015goes to Taylor Swift,a singer-songwriter,who has shaped and inspired the American music industry with her success.When Taylor Swift first came to public notice,she was a 17-year-old newcomer who loved si
3.BMI颁发Taylor Swift奖 2016 (第二次颁发以人名命名的奖项,第一次是1990年MJ)4.滚石评选的史上...
3.Billboard Music Awards of the Year 2015goes to Taylor Swift.a singer-songwriter.who has shaped and inspired the American music industry with her success.When Taylor Swift first came to public notice.she was a 17-year-old newcomer who loved singing to
Billboard Music Awards 2015: All Our Coverage Explore Taylor Swift See latest videos, charts and news First of all, what a cast. Here are all the pictures Swift has tweeted out so far from the celebrity cameo-filled vid: Meet Frostbyte.@LilyAldridge#BadBloodMusicVideopic.twitter.com/UBgWF...