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王士奇,王一臣,应灏,等.Taylor空间支架在儿童下肢畸形矫正中的应用[J].临床小儿外科杂志,2021,20(9):837—842.DOI:10.12260/lcxewkzz.2021.09.007. Wang SQ,Wang YC,Ying H,et al.Correction of lower limb deformities in children using Tay...
. As described in Cencini et al.38, the Maxey–Riley approximation in Eq. (3) is not valid for Stokes numbers greater than 3 as the back-reaction of the particle on the flow becomes important. The three parameters in the relation can be estimated experimentally using calibrated measurements ...
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Motivated by the experiment of Baldwin et al. and the mathematical result of Jiang et al. [16, 27], we further mathematically investigate the effect of rotation on the RT instability in the stratified viscoelastic fluids in this article. Before stating our result, we shall introduce the ...
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Receipt of Submission of First Draft of Manuscripts – between 01. June – 31 July 2025 Review & Response Letters – by 30 November 2025 Receipt of 2ndSubmission – by 30 March 2026 Review & Response Letters – by 31 July 2026 Receipt of 3rdand final Submission – 30 November 2026 ...
WinForm和WPF宣布开源。在Microsoft Connect 2018中,微软宣布了Windows forms和WPF桌面框架的开源。此后,我们看到了不可思议的贡献和活动。社区现在有能力指导这些框架的方向。 2019年 .Net Core 3.0发布。.Net Core 3.0将Windows桌面工作负载带到.Net Core运行时,这将允许自包含exe、并行安装和更快的性能。Build 2019...
Debnath S, Preetham A, Vuppu S, et al. Optimal weighted GAN and U-Net based segmentation for phenotypic trait estimation of crops using Taylor Coot algorithm[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2023: 110396. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2023.110396 ...
(2018), Forzani et al. (2019). Reduced-rank VGLMs (RR-VGLMs; (Yee and Hastie, 2003; Yee, 2014)) are VGLMs where a subset of the Hk are unknown and therefore estimated. RR-VGLMs stipulate that η(x) = B1T x1 + A ν (9) where x = (x T 1 , x2T )T , ν = CT x...