Jack Dovidio’s and Samuel Gaertner’s work on “aversive racism” (Gaertner and Dovidio 1986; Dovidio and Gaertner 2004) has been very inf l uential but does not account for the full scope of contemporary research. Aversive racism is characterized by unconscious...
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Zhao et al. proposed the TS approximation and MCS combined with nonparametric probability density to consider parameter uncertainties [92]. Generally, in case of a function that has several random variables, Y=f(x1,x2,…,xn,). By application, TS can be applied to expand the function around...
Suresh Sethi is also the key figure in developing optimal control theory to address dynamic stochastic problems in operations management and supply chain management (Dolgui et al. 2018). His asymptotic optimality results, beginning with the seminal paper of Lehoczky, Sethi, Soner, and Taksar (1991...
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Since the earlier work of Chen (2003) and Chen et al. (2003), this method has attracted much attention. Merabet, Arioui, and Ouhrouche (2008) applied the method to the speed control of induction motors. Wang, Xie, and Shuai (2008) presented the application of the method to the curren...
There are several indices for measuring the similarity of two populations, including the ratio of the number of shared species to the number of distinct species (Jaccard's index) and the conditional probability of observing a shared species (Smith et al., 1996). However, these indices only tak...