World mineral statistics 1991–1995: L E Taylor et al. British Geological Survey, Keyworth UK, 1996, 294pp (softcover)doi:10.1016/S0301-4207(97)90035-0James OttoResources Policy
This observation seems coherent with the plausible evolutionary path of taylorellae reported by Gosh et al., [13] which suggests that the evolution of the taylorellae genome is mainly based on a reduction in size, with very few new gene acquisitions since taylorellae’s separation from the ...
Traditional spinner flask reactors suffer considerably from the fact that they cannot generate a uniform flow and mass transport environment (Vunjak-Novakovic et al., 1996). Well-mixed high shear regions exist around the rotating impeller whereas laminar regions, or even dead zones exist far from ...
There are several indices for measuring the similarity of two populations, including the ratio of the number of shared species to the number of distinct species (Jaccard's index) and the conditional probability of observing a shared species (Smith et al., 1996). However, these indices only tak...
作者:Yuanyuan Wei et al. A flow chart of the research route applied in this study 文章摘要: Vegetation plays an important role in global or regional environmental change. In this study, the spatial–temporal variations of NDVI and its response to climate in China and its seven sub-regions ...
aAn effective stress intensity factor range derived by the technique of crack modeling developed by Taylor et al was used to determine the fatigue limit for long cracks. The validity of the two models was examined in this paper. 裂缝技术获得的effective应力强度因素范围塑造开发由泰勒・等用...
Taylor & Francis Online :: Changes of the 0°C isotherm and the equilibrium line altitude in central Chile during the last quarter of the 20th century / Changements de l'isotherme 0°C et de la ligne d'équilibre des neiges dans le Chili central durant le dernier quart du 20ème ...
In order to dissociate more precisely the updating process from the storage function, a four-item instead of a six-item memory load was used, contrary to our previous study (Salmon et al., 1996). In addition, a serial recall procedure was preferred to a recognition procedure in order to ...
On the ridge of instability in ferrofluidic Couette flow via alternating magnetic field Introduction The understanding of the flow in the gap between concentric independently rotating cylinders (Taylor-Couette system, TCS) is both, of scientific interest,i.e., the understanding the various hydrodynamic...
最近,一种解耦映射程序 [Li et al., 2021] 被提出,用于将复杂频谱估计解耦为两个独立的步骤。第一步,仅估计幅度先验,并与噪声相位结合以获得粗略的复杂频谱。随后,通过残差学习,另一个网络用于估计在复数域中具有稀疏分布的残差成分,这衡量了噪声相位和目标相位之间的差距。与以往文献不同,它赋予了幅度和相位独立...