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Taylor & Francis is one of the world’s leading academic publishers. Its imprints include Taylor & Francis, Routledge, CRC Press, F1000 Research and Dovepress.
Bioengineered | Taylor & Francis Online ( 注释: 1 COPE:国际出版伦理道德委员会,即Committee on Publication Ethics,简称COPE 2 STM协会:国际科学技术与医学出版商协会,即International Association of Scientific,Technical and Medical Publishers,简称STM协会发布...
Taylor & Francis is one of the world’s leading academic publishers, with offices in 14 countries. We publish in a wide range of disciplines across the humanities and social sciences, behavioural sciences, engineering, science and technology, medicine, and health. We partner with world-class auth...
Recently Taylor & Francis, publishers of the Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, brought to our attention a study suggesting that highly tweeted articles, in one journal at least, were 11 times more likely to be highly cited than other articles This interesting statistic demonstrates the power of ...
Taylor & Francis 每年出版2,350 多种期刊和3,200 多种新书,共有50,000 多种专业图书在售。Taylor & Francis 提供高品质的信息和知识,帮助读者提高工作效率、提升教育水平,推动相关研究领域的发展。 Taylor & Francis Group is one of the world's leading publishers of academic journals and books. We are...
Taylor & Francis was a founding member ofPublishers for Development(PfD), and is the only international commercial academic publisher with an editorial team within Africa. We support librarians, authors, and researchers in developing countries and regions in the following ways: ...
Taylor & Francis, meanwhile, notices that Link-Busters helped to process “at least 400% more removals than previous years.” Shadow Libraries Expand It’s clear that Link-Busters is making an impact and that many publishers are content. While the billions of takedowns prevented some people ...
Taylor & Francis Group partners with researchers, scholarly societies, universities and libraries worldwide to bring knowledge to life. As one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, ebooks and reference works our content sp
多年来,CRC Press经历了多次收购和兼并,但其名称和使命没有改变。目前,CRC Press是Taylor & Francis 的主要科技图书部门。在达到这一重要位置的过程中,发生了诸多变化: ——1990年, CRC Press收购Lewis Publishers,成为环境科学书籍的领先出版商,随后增加的St. Lucie Press和Auerbach Publishing将CRC Press的业务范围...