Taylor & Francis Online Provides access to more than 2,700 high-quality, cross-disciplinary journals spanning Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Engineering, Medicine and Healthcare. Go to site Taylor & Francis eBooks One of the world’s largest collections of eBooks in science...
For over 50 years, Substance Use & Misuse (formerly The International Journal of the Addictions) has provided a unique international multidisciplinary venue for the exchange of original research, theories, policy analyses, and unresolved issues concerning substance use and misuse (licit and illicit drug...
The journal promotes communication between finance academics and practitioners by providing a vehicle for the publication of research into European issues, stimulating research in finance within Europe, encouraging the international exchange of ideas, theories and the practical application of methodologies and...
research, advertising and communications.JARprovides a forum for sharing findings, applications, new technologies and methodologies, and avenues of solution. Its primary audience is academics, as well as the practitioner at
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the theory, practice, history or methodology of OR. However, since OR is primarily an applied science, it is a major objective of the journal to attract and publish accounts of good, practical case studies. Consequently, papers illustrating applications of OR to real problems are especially ...
These consist of analytical, interpretive, or persuasive essays on the origin, nature, and possible address to, identified problems, challenges, or opportunities, either being faced or likely to be faced by the practice of science education across the world, including educational, social, or philoso...
(i.e. the lysosome/vacuole dependent degradation of intracellular material); the connections between autophagy and various aspects of human health and disease including, cancer, neurodegeneration, aging, diabetes, myopathies and heart disease; and we are interested in all experimental systems, from ...